Saturday, January 05, 2008

Exercise just as good as Knee Surgery

From Dr. Mercola dot com --

An exercise regime is as effective as surgery for people with a chronic pain in the front part of their knee, known as chronic patellofemoral syndrome (PFPS).

PFPS is often treated with arthroscopic surgery, in which equipment is inserted through small incisions in your knee to diagnose and fix the problem. However, there is little evidence that this treatment is the best option. The study, conducted by researchers at The ORTON Research Institute in Helsinki, Finland, compared arthroscopy with exercise in 56 patients with PFPS.

One group of participants was treated with knee arthroscopy and an eight-week home exercise program, while a second group received only the exercise program.
After nine months, patients in both groups experienced similar reductions in pain and improvements in knee mobility. A follow-up conducted two years later still found no differences in outcomes between the two groups.

The only difference discovered was in cost: those who had received the surgery had to pay over $1,300 more than the exercise-only group. Read on...

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Comments:  It's interesting how this study supports exercise over surgery, certainly not a study that would be published by any medical group? The surgical procedures that have been developed for the knee have come a long way in the last 20 years - more than any other joint in the body.  But if you have any problems where you are getting surgery recommended, be sure to exhaust all of types of treatment before surgery. Once something is taken out of the body, it can' t be put back. Plan on living at a healthy weight. Plan on living with a healthy diet. Plan on living a healthy lifestyle and you'll avoid such problems.

The Health & Wellness Institute, DC PC

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