Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Gastric Bypass Big Business!

The number of weight loss surgeries performed in the U.S. has grown by 450 percent from 1998 to 2002, according to a new study.

Researchers say the dramatic surge in weight loss (bariatric) surgery is due to both a rise in publicity for the obesity treatment as well as development of less-invasive, laparoscopic techniques in recent years. Read the entire article: Gastric ByPass Rates Soar.

TINY post-surgery stomach! Do you really thing that this is how our body was designed to function? I think NOT! 450% growth! If a business grew at this rate, it would be miraculous, but the fact that this is a surgical procedure, I think we should call it alarming for a few reasons:
That enough people are morbidly obese enough to qualify for the surgery (and that is questionable in that some people actually GAIN weight on purpose so they qualify.
That so many people are opting to have it done when it is possible to lose weight NON-surgically! (I am living proof of that, thousands of my readers prove it every day AND a man has a blog about how he is simply following the POST Gastric Bypass "diet" without having had his stomach mutilated and is losing weight)

We don't know the long term affects of the surgery - it isn't a permanent solution, i.e Carnie Wilson, etc...(No, Carnie, you didn't gain weight "because you were pregnant--that condition recommends a 20-25 lb gain--you gained over 70 pounds because you ATE what you wanted to and rationalized it was "eating for two". Your new cookbook and macroni to die for interview proves that dispite your mangled stomach, you still LOVE food--that is the issue!)
Nutrients are not able to be absorbed post-GB as they should be and untold health conditions are popping up.

Enough reasons to think twice about having it? Two weeks ago, I was speaking with one of my One on One clients. She was quite upset. Her co-workers brother in law had undergone Gastric Bypass and was now lying dying in critical care. He developed and infection as had to be sliced open, neck to belly button and couldn't be closed up due to his size. Last I heard, he was lying in the critical care unit of a trauma hospital. They are trying to skin graft him so they can use his skin to close his body up--if he lives long enough to do so. He has died twice but they were able to revive him, thankfully.

The real shame of this story is that he didn't really want the surgery. It wasn't something he had considered, until his company approached him with it. They wanted to save money on their healthcare costs so they were "offering all the fat people the chance to have the surgery done and get healthy". I don't think that will be much consolation to his two young children or his wife.

Too sad. The very conditions that make someone a candidate for the surgery are the very same conditions that make it very dangerous for them to undergo ANY surgery. I don't care how much hate mail I get from the Pro-mutilation folks, I am NOT backing down! Gastric Bypass surgery is VERY dangerous. Simply giving up a person's few worst vices IS NOT. I have helped at least a dozen women who were considering having the surgery to lose weight personally via my One on One program and many hungreds of others did it on their own using my LifeChanger program.

If I can lose 130 pounds and KEEP it off for 10+ years, ANYONE can! I am 100% sure that my approach will HELP and will never HURT anyone!!!

Get started on it today, Day One is on me:


Thoughts - Are They Killing You?

Healthy Thoughts = Healthy Body
Dr. J. Patrick Havey

One of the most powerful influences on your life cannot been seen, touched, or felt by you - even though others can see, hear and feel them. Yes, they are your thoughts and they are one of the most powerful influences in your health and your life. What you think can speak loudly enough that others can feel your anger, hear your pain, or see your joy.

Thoughts - what you think, what you contemplate, what you dream about - are all the magic or the life force behind what motivates, inspires, and compels you to act. When you woke up this morning, did you think about what a tough day you had ahead of you and how much there was to get done that you weren't necessarily looking forward to? Or did you jump out of bed knowing that your day was filled with plenty to do and you were excited to get it all done? The latter thought would obviously serve you much better - you'd be more efficient trying to complete all of your tasks, you'd raise the quality of the work you had to get done, and you'd most likely finish it with a smile looking forward to your time for relaxing or planning the next day.

It goes much further than just one day, though. There is a saying that "we become what we most think about." If you are visualizing yourself being fit, healthy, and happy - where you exercise, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and have clear goals - everyday, then eventually you will have no choice but to act on those dreams in some way. By thinking healthy thoughts you will naturally attract healthy things, and you will naturally start to be drawn toward healthy actions.

Here's an example: I like to keep my thoughts focused on my goals during the day and for me I know that means that I need to stay in a positive frame of mind to be productive at the level I demand for myself. There are a few things that you will not find me doing during six out of seven days. You won't find me watching the news on television (or watching TV for that matter - except Family Guy once or twice a week!), you won't find me reading the newspaper during the week, and you won't find me listening to the radio either... almost always. I will read headlines of news stories on the Internet, but unless there stories that I think could be applied to inspiring, motivating, or educating you to live healthy - they don't fit into my day, what I need to do, or who I am.

You should operate the same way. How many magazines, tabloids, or news stories are you reading, listening to or watching that aren't really a part of whom you are or what you do? Does the shooting in the neighboring town apply to you? If you are a police investigator, I guess so. But if you're not, you have to ask yourself what am I going to do with this information? If you're busy reading about someone else's tragedy - a breakup, arrest, kidnapping, killing, robbery, dwi, love affair, their new love there action you're going to take on their behalf - to solve a problem in some way? Or is it just useless bits of knowledge that is only good for gossip?
You've got to be careful how much of that you're going to let into your mind - it all influences your thoughts. How many people talked about Michael Jackson or OJ Simpson when those stories were taking place. I'm sure the productivity of the American economy (and probably the world) went down because of the attention to those events. Be sure to control what goes into your head. If you listen to motivation and inspiration material, or books on tape, or maybe a new language on tape or CD, or watch an education video when you use the TV, you are going to be amazed at how much your mood improves, your productivity improves, maybe your relationships improve and your income, and of course... your health!

If you overload your mind with negative thoughts, negative stories, negative news - then you will think negatively or pessimistically about the world around you. There are plenty of reasons you can find to complain, but there are also unlimited opportunities in this world. Disease and sickness can start in the mind where your thoughts can influence your body's functions. It's true because how else could you explain a placebo working to cure an illness? It happens all the time. There is a book called "Deadly Emotions" by Dr. Don Colbert and he cured many of his patients' illnesses by dealing with what was going on in their life and what they had on their mind - actually as he says they cured themselves.

I challenge you to change your life this coming year by taking one action for one week. That's all you have to do it for just to see and feel the results. Most people find this difficult to do for one day, let alone a week. Commit to doing this for one week. What do you do? Do not read a newspaper, do not listen to the radio (unless it's your own education, inspiration, motivation CD or tape), and do not watch TV (usually the hardest). If this seems too difficult for you, at least start with not watching the TV for one week.

You will be amazed at how different you feel and you may even notice an improvement in your health. Think positive thoughts, visualize completing your goals, and never stop dreaming of what you can accomplish in your life. And while you're at it, start drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Get your New Year started off right!

Dr. Pat
(Click here and listen to a message from me about FRUITS and VEGGIES

Monday, December 19, 2005

What You Can't See Might Hurt You

Story Here. Dr. J. Patrick Havey

What you can't see may be hurting you. Not that we haven't been warned in the past, but I think the number of toxins that we're being exposed to is increasing every year. From the pollutants that are emitted in the air from automobiles and factories, and the pollutants that get in to the water and the soil, to the toxins that are in our detergants, soaps, processed foods, and just about everything else we come in contact with - our bodies are being bombarded. Now there comes an even smaller and, as if we could see the poisons before, less visible and more dangerous potential threat.

It's called nanotechnology. Nanotechnology deals with things that are smaller on the molecular or atomic level. This technology has given birth to such things as a better and longer bounce in tennis balls, stain resistance khakis, and even clear sunscreen. But the issue isn't so much what the technology can provide, but instead the danger of manipulating the atoms and molecules and what effects that may have on our health.

It is important to realize that all of these elements are getting into our system one way or another. If you smell it, it went into your lungs. If you taste it... well that's obvious. If you put it on your skin, it get's into your bloodstream through your skin - and what about those things that say "For External Use Only!"..? Yes, those get into your system too. Well, now with nanotechnology, there may be an even greater threat to our health each time we put on a shirt, pants, grab a tennis ball, swing a baseball bat, smell the interior of a new car, or just pick up a toothbrush. When you manipulate any type of matter on an atomic level, there is no way of telling what the consequences may be after one or thousands of uses or repetitions.

Remember asbestos? We didn't know the dangers then, but we do now. My guess is the same will happen as a result of our new technologies. We will eventually learn of the many harmful effects. Even Michael Crichton's book Prey ()tells the story of some nanomachines escaping the lab and threatening the world's existence.

Want to live health and improve your body's chance of successfully fighting and killing the toxins that you are ingesting everyday? Here's how: drink plenty of filtered water, eat lots of dark green vegetables, eat plenty of fruits, and keep a positive attitude. It's the best and most effective way you can live an energetic and healthy life. And if you need help with fruits and vegetables, check out a whole-food supplement that contains almost everyone of the phytonutrients that you get in the whole food. Listen and learn HERE.

In health,
Dr. Patrick Havey

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Healthy New You!

What a beautiful fruit basket! And giving the gift of fruits -and the bigger picture of giving the gift of health - is fantastic! I think I can take it even ONE step better! For $32 a month you can send a FEW pieces of fruit, but for $39.75 a month, you can send 30 DAYS of fruits/vegetables and health! That's right! That's what I'm talking about!

You won't believe me until you try it, but Juice Plus is THE best addition to a healthful life that I can think of, and for someone who isn't doing things as healthfully as they can, it is an essential "must have"! I will NEVER mislead you or any of my other readers. I take the responsibility of the trust that you place in me very seriously and will only direct you to products or services that I KNOW will improve your health and quality of life. I think every person on this planet who wants to lose weight should use LifeChanger and every person should take Juice Plus and exercise, drink water and have a positive attitude! (Learn more about Juice Plus from my husband, Dr. Patrick Havey: go here.)

For those still looking for a great gift, consider the cd available there is amazing and the perfect gift for any mother and all proceeds go Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. For anyone ordering the CD, send me an email and I will register you to win the Jeanine Payer beautiful and poetic ring we are giving away as our holiday promotion.

Carpe Diet!

Should Your Doctor Treat You?

Dr. J. Patrick Havey

In the world of health care, it is more the rule than the exception to be treated by a physician whose main tool for treatment starts with pen and paper. Yes, I'm referring to prescriptions. Did you know that millions of people everyday are searching the internet to read, study, learn, diagnose, or learn how to treat an illness that they think they have or someone told them they may have? Even those who have gone to their doctor and been diagnosed with a problem will "Google" that problem - no matter how big or small. I come across people all the time who want to know what to do about high cholesterol. These are people in their 40's or younger - those who lived on fast food through college and most of their twenties. Well, it seems only fitting that we want to learn more about our problem when the only solution from just about every physician is written on a prescription pad.

As I sit and read the newest health care magazine put out by a major health center, I can't help but notice the pictures of the physician who is the medical director of oncology. If you don't know, oncology deals with the study and treatment of cancer. This particular physician stood out because he doesn't exactly fit the picture of health. In fact, he looks like he may be about 75 pounds or more overweigtht - and I'm being conservative. If you are not serious about treating your cancer, or maybe you just don't care what you're doctor looks like, then this is not a problem whatsoever. But if you think that you need some direction and guidance and hope and a vision of living healthy and getting through the difficult process of treating your cancer, wouldn't you want to at least be communicating with a professional who appears to be healthy?

My wife Julia ( lost 130 pounds and together we now help others change their lives - and lose weight in the process. I don't think too many people would listen if she was still 130 lbs heavier than she is now (or maybe they would, I'm not completely sure considering our societal habits today...?). How many physicians actually fit the image of health? The reason they don't is because they don't help you stay healthy. Physicians (most) help you stay sick! Otherwise, you would be getting lessons in proper nutrition, regular exercise, stretching, water, treatments when you have a cold, and other ways to stay healthy or take care of yourself. The world of medical treatment is a downward spiral of health - not immediately, but slowly until it becomes life threatening. That's the worst kind because after a few years it becomes more difficult to get back on the healthy path (although very possible).

If you want to get healthy, stay healthy, and live healthy for the rest of your life, then you need to be your own best doctor. First of all, your body is not deficient of any drug. It is most likely - and I can say this with 99.9% accuracy - deficient of the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables as well as water (filtered) and regular exercise. The pollutants and poisons that are in the air, in the water, in our homes, in most of the foods we eat, and in every drug we take are the cause of 99% of all illness, and sickness, with a similarly large % causing diseases as well.

The bottom line: It's up to us to take care of ourselves. You will always be better off if you improve your nutrition, your water (filtered) intake, and your exercise if you want to improve your health - than you would be if you went to your doctor (unless that doctor is advising you of the same).

Take action today! And continue to live healthy everyday - it's the only way!

In health,
Dr. Pat

The #1 Action for Optimal Health!

Dr. J. Patrick Havey

Drum role please.... and the #1 action for good health is....WATER! That's it?... Yes, that's it. Let me elaborate and give you the details about how your health is suffering from a lack of water. First, remember that the body is 2/3rds water - so logically, you need that much in what you consume. If the trillions of cells in your body are trying to move around in a dry environment, don't you think you might feel tired, sluggish, run-down, or just not as motivated? Sure you would. If your cells can move around in a hydrated environment where they can float and and swim without too much effort, don't you think you might feel energized and less tired and more motivated? Sure you would!

Somebody might say "well, wouldn't too much water be harder to move in?" The answer is, have you ever tried to move through sand? Try putting your hand through a pile of sand - you might find it to be more resistant, you may even scrape your arms. Well, your cells just might get damaged too if they're not moving through a water-rich environment, but a dry one instead.
Water is the easiest and most overlooked step to take when it comes to good health. It's true that water is the number 1 shortage in most diets - over 67% to be exact. Coincidentally the same percentage as those who are overweight. In the US, most of the country is probably "dehydrated". Not in the textbook definition, but in a way that depletes the body's good health by not having enough.

Here are your three best ways to get the water you need:
The first is by drinking it. Get filtered water if you can. That means buying a filter and putting it in your home to re-fill pitchers or glasses or water-bottles is going to be the most economical way to do it. The other option is to find a bottled water you like and use it during the day. If you're drinking enough you will notice the cost add up pretty quickly - but is your health worth it? I hope so!

The second way to get water is by adding more fruits to your diet. Just two more fruits a day than you are getting now (which if you're like most people, is probably an average of less than one!) will change your energy and your health so dramatically you won't know why you ever went without! Be sure you still get enough drinking water, too. Oh, by the way, a banana obviously has less water content than an apple, and an apple less than an orange or a grape. But don't worry so much about that.

The third way as you may have guessed is adding more vegetables to your diet. Vegetables are also water-rich foods. Even carrots have more water than you would imagine. Dark leafy lettuce is an excellent source, too! And what a bonus - you get all the vitamin and mineral content that you are probably lacking that you'll never be able to get off the shelves of the health food store. There are literally thousands of nutrients in the whole food that your body needs. So add more veggies. By the way, spinach is the best for good health!
So more water (filtered), more fruits, and more veggies!!

If you need help getting the proper nutrition from fruits and vegetables, go here and learn more:

In health,
Dr. Pat