Thursday, March 09, 2006

$5 Million Diet charade

This just out from the Institute for the Complete Lack of Common Sense; Blue Cross/Blue Shield of  Western NY is shelling out $5,000,000 dollars to figure out the gold standard for treating those morbidly obese patients who would otherwise be candidates for gastric bypass surgery.

for the complete story:

Obviously, the insurance company wants to figure out a more cost effective approach to dealing with Obesity. Aphonso O'Neil-White, President of Blude Cross BlueSheild of Western New York said that gastric surgery cost the American health care system $4.5 billion last year --up 1,000 percent from a decade earlier.

Spending $5 Million to try to lower that is a wise move and a drop in the bucket. However, this is where things lack common sense:

"Many (patients) have been involved in repeated struggles to lose weight, perhaps jumping from one fad diet or new promising remedy," said Dr. Michael Noe, the study's lead investigator. "The real problem for many of them is not necessarily a lack of motivation but rather responding to misguided messages or bad advice."

Could he be trying to say that the failed dieter tried too much too soon on a typical "fad diet" rather than changing their lifestyle?!?!

Yet, KNOWING that such approached don't offer LASTING change, here is what the study is going to put these poor Obese 280 test subjects through:

Those taking part in the study will be divided into four groups. Two groups will consume 800 calories a day, with most calories coming from a packaged, nutritionally dense powder to be mixed into shakes, soups and other foods. (ahhhh, hello?!?, sounds to me like MEDi-fast, etc..! All things we obese have failed at numerous times--even Oprah did!)

800 calorie liquid diet, hmmmm!

The other groups will consume 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day.

Half of the participants will take an FDA-approved appetite suppressant or fat-blocker (I wonder if the drug maker is sharing in this unbiased study?) while the other half receives no medication. All will receive behavioral treatment to learn how to manage their diets, prevent relapses and stay motivated, and all will be encouraged to walk daily, eventually three miles.

Researchers expect that participants who consume 800 calories a day for 12 weeks and then increase to 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, while taking medication, will lose 20 percent or more of their body weight, Noe said.

And Dr. Noe, I expect that at least 70% of your participants will not make it one week without breaking their 800 calorie diet to consume at least one of their "vice foods".

Will ANY of them be encouraged to change their lifestyle ONE step at a time? Will any of them be told how important water consumption is and to start there as their first solid habit? Will any of these 280 souls be encouraged to get rid of their worst diet vices, one at a time and slowly migrate towards a healthy lifestyle that will last forever?

Doesn't sound like it to me.

$5 million dollars to study what we already know?!  Little wonder insurance premiums are so high. Blue Cross could give each of these 280 people LifeChanger, they would lose 20% of their body weight and they would be more likely to keep it off and by starving them with a liquid diet and expecting different results than in the past.

Insanity--doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

Carpe Diet!

LifeChanger...everything else is just a diet!

Kraft foods, NOT for health conscious!

Warning to all you coffee drinkers out there!

Recently I bought a small glass container of Maxwell House Instant coffee. I added it to my morning Protein Smoothie--sort of a healthier version of a frappacino! Anyway, after having used about 1/2 of the container, imagine my surprise when my next scoop had a 2 inch sliver of glass in it!

I immediately called Kraft, the maker of Maxwell House, and they rushed to investigate the matter, sending me a packing slip to send them the potentially deadly brew. Well, rushed if you are the Pony Express, but their label arrived 12 days later--and the return label would have taken equally as long to get to them. I sent it back to them via Priority mail so they could more quicly investigate the matter.

I also checked with the local Health Department to make sure that something was being done and that all of the same batch had been taken off of local store shelves, as I didn't want to be responsible for someone else consuming glass. Surprisingly, this was the first they heard of it.

         NOT good to the last drop--or shard!

Well, flash forward many weeks, and apparently the Kraft Snack Fairy has concluded his investigation, Inspector Kluso must have been busy--, but there is "NO way that the glass, which looked and felt exactly like the bottom of the container that I bought, could have gotten into the jar while it was in the factory". Well, thank goodness! I feel better. I guess the large chunk of glass was a fragment of my imagination?

NO WAY!?, then how did it get there? Perhaps they think I am the Wendy's chili finger-planting woman's partner in crime? I was so insulted by the way that the "executive respresentative" from Kraft spoke with me and more insulted by the complete and total lack of concern that Kraft has for the health of their customers.

I should have known what to expect, after all, Kraft's committment to our health is evident by the products that they produce--cookies, Velveta,  macaroni and cheese, etc... and the shameful and blatant marketing that they do to our nation of obese children.

If you are with me on this, how about a Boycott of ALL Kraft products? Maybe we can show them that from coffee with glass, to foods that go straight to our as__--we want BETTER from our nations leaders in food production!


Do you see ANY products above that belong in the body of a health conscious person? If your answer is NO, look for these labels when shopping and just say NO WAY!


Carpe Diet!


Vice Busting Diet THE answer to obesity!

Low-fat, low-cal, low-carb. Atkins, South Beach, The Zone. Food fads may be distracting attention from something more insidiously piling on pounds: beverages.

One of every five calories in the American diet is liquid. The nation's single biggest "food" is soda, and nutrition experts have long demonized it. This article discusses the matter in great detail: Soft drinks=Obesity!

What I have been preaching for YEARS is that no one need ever consume a soft drink, sugar filled or "diet"! They are the WORST and most unnecessary things that we put in our bodies and now, we know they are 1/5 of our caloric intake. Think about that, if you simply made WATER your beverage of choice you would cut 1/5 of your caloric intake out effortlessly!

A reader of mine years ago doubted that her daily soft drink fix would lead to great weight loss, I encouraged her to give it up, especially after I found out that she was consuming 3 LITERS of Dr. Pepper a day! She did it, she busted her soft drink vice and 75 pounds of weight loss later, she is very thankful that she did so!

Soft drink consumption rose more than 60 percent among adults and more than doubled in kids from 1977-97. The prevalence of obesity roughly doubled in that time. Scientists say these parallel trends are one criterion for proving cause-and-effect.

Biologically, the calories from sugar-sweetened beverages are fundamentally different in the body than those from food.

The main sweetener in soda - high-fructose corn syrup - can increase fats in the blood called triglycerides, which raises the risk of heart problems, diabetes and other health woes.

Sugar-sweetened beverages affect the intake of other foods, such as lowering milk consumption.  Such beverages also may be psychological triggers of poor eating habits and cravings for fast food.

Despite the fact that reasearch clearly shows that sugar-filled drinks are a big factor in the obesity crisis, diet gurus and the beverage lobby continue to espouse the ridiculous and damaging notion of "moderation". Book shelves are stacked with titles proclaiming "eat the foods you LOVE and still lose weight", many diet plans encourage a day off to consume whatever you want while diet pills lead the overweight consumer to think they don't need to change anything they are doing but only need to pop a pill to realize the body of their dreams.

To the best of my knowledge, I am the ONLY one saying give up Sugar-Filled soft drinks, Fast "food" and your other worst "vices" FOREVER---for the rest of and BEST of your life!

A movement is underway and it is changing the diet of America--it is called Vice Busting and it works, and will work for YOU!

Learn why Dr. David L. Katz (Yale University, O' Magazine, Oprah Show, The Flavor Point Diet, The Way to Eat) and Dr. Mehmet Oz (You, the Owner's Manual, Discovery Health) and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul, Motivational guru) ALL agree that The Vice Busting Diet IS the solution to the Obesity epidemic.

Get started today by visiting

Weight loss 101

We hear good ideas all the time, good tips, healthy tidbits or magazine headlines that sound like they are good ideas--but the million dollar question is DO YOU APPLY THEM TO YOUR LIFE AND TAKE ACTION?

Recently, I did a daily thought discussing my observations about people using the motorized scooters at the mall, grocery store and other public areas and gave my opinion that some of the people seemed to have been "able" to walk, were overweight or obese and would benefit from walking, however few steps they might be able to do rather than scooter at all times.

I can't tell you how happy I am to report that at least one woman listened!

I was speaking with a client of mine tonight and I literally cried when I hung up the phone!

You see, she needs to lose 100 pounds and has struggled with it for years unsuccessfully.

After 3 weeks of working with her, she reported to me that "the week wasn't too good. She did something she shouldn't. She weighed--and the scale hadn't budged and she was discouraged."

OK. It happens, but after only 3 weeks and considering that ALL that we had implemented so far was only having her drink 1/2 her body weight in fluid ounces of water and just this past week having her add swimming in her, previously un-utilized, resistance swimming pool twice for 10 minutes--I hadn't really expected the scale to have made any significant movements--if any at all really--BUT she expected pounds to be shedding, after all, she was "dieting".

Or was she?

Upon further discussion, I discovered that this woman, who was ready to throw in the towel for lack of "progress", thought about the scooter comments I made and opted to WALK on two separate trips to Wal-Mart rather than use a scooter AND she walked all around another place in town and had a GREAT time when she would have otherwise used a scooter.

You see, she had an accident a few years ago, a few surgeries and was USED to using the scooter, it was a HABIT more than it was a NECESSITY--she used it without even considering that maybe she didn't NEED to anymore.

And, she also was out to dinner and only ate 1/2 of her entree, asking to bring the rest of it home because it was TOO MUCH and she wasn't hungry!


I think NOT!

I can't hope for a more progressive week for any erstwhile weight loss success story!

THAT IS change folks, THAT is progress! To realize that you can respond differently than you have in the past IS change, and it is a very good thing.

After my lecturing her and pointing out the very obvious progress that she made over the past week, she acknowledged that she "hadn't thought about it that way" until I pointed it out and that "she is so used to the scale and numbers telling her is she was successful that it didn't dawn on her to focus on all that she had done RIGHT!"

AND, she also noted that in the past, whenever she weighed that the number had always risen, this time, it didn't. Hey, in my twisted math, THAT is weight loss! If you normally gain, and you didn't...that is progress!

More weeks like the past one and this woman will reach her goal and be a scooter free woman, I am sure of that!

and you?

Carpe Diet!

WHY take Juice Plus?

What is a "vitamin"? What it isn't is what you should be concerned with!

You want to take something that is more than extra vitamins and minerals. You want something that is actually a whole food supplement and made from apples, oranges, pineapples, cranberries, peaches, cherries, papayas, dates and prunes as well as carrots, barley, parsley, beets, kale, broccoli, cabbage, oats, spinach, tomatoes. Centrum just doesn't have that!

How should such a product be made? Ideally, the fresh fruits and vegetables would be juiced, then dehydrated to a powder form. And shold be carefully tested to ensure no pesticides or other contaminants are present in the product. It is never exposed to high temperatures that would destroy the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables. Most of the vitamins, minerals, active plant enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber are preserved in the final capsules. When re-hydrated with water, the nutrients are absorbed into our bodies as if we had eaten the fruits and vegetables whole.

Is it as good as eating fruits and vegetables? It's the next best thing! If you can't, won't or don't eat 7-13 servings of raw, fresh, organically grown fruits and veggies a day--take Juice Plus+--Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld. and "Take Juice Plus--it will do your body good!"--Julia Havey

I already take vitamins., why shouldn't I continue just taking them? Manufactured vitamins are "dead" vitamins. They are not in their natural form, and are therefore not very well absorbed into your system.

Is there any scientific proof that Juice Plus really works? Yes, you can learn all about it by visiting and reading the numerous research documents.

I am very excited about Juice Plus and have seen the benefits in myself and my family. Start on Juice Plus today and see the benefits over a lifetime!

Obese workers eating up the bottom line

That fast-food burger, monster take-out sandwich or bag of nutritional nothing you got from the vending machine at work does more than make you sluggish after lunch.

It's probably making your company less productive. Read the entire article:

Hey, to the NAAFA (National Fat Acceptance) folks, are we cool with this? I know how you love to insist that Obesity is healthy, does the fact that the global cost of Obesity related lost productivity amounts to billions of dollars a year give you ANY cause for concern?  As you fight for people to accept their FAT, do you ever stop to consider that a diet loaded with fat and sugar (i.e. FAT) not only puts workers at risk for diabetes and obesity-related illnesses that costs not only the employeer but also what about their own lost wages for time off of work or bonuses not realized?

We are busting at the seams America! It is draining our pocketbook, draining our government, ruining our health and hindering our quality of life. I am NOT going to accept anything less than optimal health from myself and I am going to do everything in my power to help anyone who wants to get healthier to do so!

I would really like the chance to debate someone from NAAFA on The O'Reilly Factor! HOW can ANYONE with a brain argue that is OK to be OBESE and to accept it!?

I AM NOT bashing the PERSON who is Obese, there is a HUGE difference, I care deeply about each person dealing with obesity and want to help them live long, healthy and empowered lives, my issue is with the FAT, not the Person!

I should start the National Association Advancement of FATLOSS Acceptance!

This isn't yet another diet America, it is a MOVEMENT! Are you ready to lock arms with me and bust your vices, improve your health and have the future that you dream of!

It's time.

Carpe Diet!


Diet Crazy

The entire world has gone diet crazy! It is official. This just in from yet another study from the Institute for the Lack of Common Sense: Study casts doubt on the South Beach Diet craze! Well, DUH! We live in a day where more people know about The Simpsons than our Constitution and we need yet another study, costing likely millions of dollars, to tell us that the South Beach Diet may not be all it is touted to be?! Knock me over with a feather!

OK folks, I am going to spell this out for you as clearly as I can--the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat less food than you burn off in expended energy--it takes drinking water, eating a balanced diet of normal healthy foods, a positive attitude and exercise!

I was going to be attending a conference with Dr. South Beach, I thought hey--he has the #1 "diet" book, I have the #1 motivational program--we could team up and solve obesity!" Well, I went to the store to buy his book, I looked at DAY ONE and put the book back. ME, after losing 130 pounds, knew that there was NO WAY in the world that I could stick to DAY ONE of his diet, NOR do I think that the overweight person NEEDS to be told they can/should have creme brulee for dessert--learning to live without dessert would do more to effectively change their lives for ever!

Here is your choice today folks--go out to the book store and buy the latest fad diet book, or buy LifeChanger and actually change your life! Do it now, or do it later, eventually if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you will do it MY way!

These folks stopped doing the same thing (i.e. "fad dieting") and started doing it MY way:


I just left my doctors office.  It was the first time I have been weighed in a while.  The last time I weighed myself I had lost 12 lbs.  I am only at a total of 14 lbs now. I am not losing nearly as quickly as I had hoped but I am continuing to go in the right direction.  I must be losing inches. I have had 2 people in the past week tell me I need to go shopping... my pants are getting huge!

A few of the girls there were asking me how I have lost weight.  I told them about your program.  I have them your website address. Hopefully you will hear from them. Lisa"

"Hello, I don't know how to ask you this - but I have to.  I am speaking tonight at a weight loss challenge in Toledo.  There are going to be about 50 people there.  I was asked because I am more than 1/2 way to my goal, and I have lost 45 pounds because of you!  One of the points I wanted to mention was your LifeChanger program, and your book.  And how your success has inspired me to continue on my fitness journey. So my question to you is this...Can I mention you, your book,  and Lifechanger series tonight?   Thank You, Gina"

Carpe Diet!

Attitude IS everything!

I was at a women's event over the weekend, about 4000 women were there and I think I literally spoke to 1000 of them personally. It was exhausting, but enlightening.

Here's what I came away with:

I was there promoting the Vice Busting way of life--getting rid of YOUR worst habits and replacing them with heatlhier options.---nothing terribly structured or severe, but moderate change over time.

Just about EVERY woman asked "What food will I eat?", "What is the plan to follow", What foods are included?"

Such obsession with food!

I realize that our natural weight loss induced tendency is to react by going "on" a diet, but in all honesty, where has that gotten you in the past?

I see it here at daily. Women are choosing a particular eating plan but have difficulty following it to the letter because perhaps on a given day they don't "feel" like eating something that is on the menu, or they keep getting knocked off track of their diet by the few "vice foods" that they struggle with.

I KNOW this to be true. A survey conducted by shows that 85% admit to having "food vices" (those things which you "crave" or "love" and can't seem to go without for too long while dieting), 38% confessed to breaking their diets DAILY to consume their vice foods and 31% break their diets WEEKLY to consume these vice foods. So, we KNOW that 71% of "dieters" are MORE challenged by what NOT to be eating than by what TO eat--

YET, virtually every woman I spoke with asked me "what I will I eat".

There are many excellent diet options to choose from here at eDiets, I don't care which one you decide is right for you--it should be one that meets your financial and time constraints and is in line with your basic tastes and likes, but what concerns me (and should concern you, too!) is what you are consuming on a regular basis, in enough quantity that you KNOW contributes largely to your excess weight!

Everyone is seemingly so concerned with "what food their diet will allow them to eat" but they don't seem to be nearly as concerned with what they have been eating consistently enough up to this point that got them overweight in the first place?

Do you see my point?

I want someone to show just as much concern over what they are consuming on their OWN time as they have over what their "diet" is going to have them consume!

It is almost as though "here is how I live regularly and I am happy with it and don't plan on changing it, other than while I am "dieting" so, tell me what I am going to have to eat, so that I can get done with it, lose the weight and get "back" to living (eating) how I want".

Well folks, that just isn't going to work well at all!

IF you are one of the extremely disciplined people who can 100% alter their usual habits and stick 100% to a prescribed method of eating (a diet plan) and lose all of your weight, but then you simply revert back to your old habits and eat what is "normal", you are doomed to yo-yo up and down more often than a roller coaster in peak season at the amusement park!

For today, I would like for you to ask "What food SHOULDN'T I be eating that I often do?" rather than ask "what foods should I be eating".

One is a position of power, of strength of taking control over YOUR destiny, the other is asking the herder which corral to point you in the direction of.

Want to be the sheep or be the shepard?

It's YOUR future and don't YOU know best what needs a bit of change?

One seems so helpless to me "what foods will I eat, tell me what to do and I will do it"--and you and I both know that dieting sheep often go astray!!!! or the other stance is srong and has such an empowered attitude of "here is ONE thing that is wrong with my lifestyle and I am going to take charge TODAY and change!"

Yes, attitude IS everything. Be strong and lead yourself to the promised land of health!

Sugary drinks = Chubby kids

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Sweet drinks -- whether Kool-Aid with sugar or all-natural apple juice -- seem to raise the risk of pudgy preschoolers getting fatter, new research suggests.

That may come as a surprise to parents who pride themselves on seeking out fruit drinks with no added sugar. "Juice is definitely a part of this," said lead researcher Jean Welsh of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While fruit juice does have vitamins, nutritionists say it's inferior to fresh fruit. The new U.S. dietary guidelines, for example, urge consumers away from juice, suggesting they eat whole fruit instead.

The bottom line, though, is that "children need very few calories in their day," Welsh said.

"Sweet drinks are a source of added sugar in the diet." She said preschoolers were better off snacking on fruit or drinking water or milk.

School bans juice

Welsh's research, published in the February issue of Pediatrics, found that for 3- and 4-year-olds already on the heavy side, drinking something sweet once or twice a day doubled their risk of becoming seriously overweight a year later. The sweet drinks seemed to have little effect, however, on children of normal weight. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting preschoolers to 4 to 6 ounces of juice per day. Some parents and schools are paying attention.

One Chicago Head Start program banned juice last year as part of an anti-obesity effort after finding that one out of five of its students was obese. Monica Dillion, community health nurse for the Howard Area Family Center, said the preschool also added more fruits and vegetables to meals and more exercise to the daily schedule. The preschool has never served soft drinks.

The juice ban drew no complaints, Dillion said. "The kids didn't notice at all."

Study specifics

The Pediatrics study followed 10,904 Missouri children in a nutrition program for low-income families. Researchers looked at the effect of sweet drinks in three groups: normal and underweight children, those at risk of becoming overweight, and those who already were overweight.

The researchers compared the children's heights and weights, approximately one year apart. They also looked at parents' reports of what their children ate and drank during a four-week period at the beginning of the first year. Fruit drinks like Kool-Aid and Hi-C were included as sweet drinks, along with juice and soda. The link between sweet drinks and being overweight showed up for all three weight categories, although it wasn't statistically significant for the normal and underweight children.

Taking into account other differences, such as ethnicity, birth weight and a high-fat diet, didn't erase the effect of sweet drinks. The children in the study drank, on average, more fruit juice than soft drinks or sweetened fruit drinks.

Bigger is not better

Sweet drinks are high in calories and low in fiber. Nutritionists believe that calorie-dense, low-fiber foods may lead to overeating because those foods are quickly consumed but less filling than foods higher in fiber. The authors suggest that limiting sweet drinks may help solve the growing problem of childhood obesity. One in five American children is overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The study defined at-risk children as those whose size put them in the 85th to 95th percentile in growth charts. A child in the 85th percentile would be heavier than 85 percent of children of the same gender and age. Richard H. Adamson, vice president for scientific and technical affairs at the American Beverage Association, questioned the study's methods, saying it didn't take into account television viewing, overweight parents and the children's activity levels.

But Dr. Rebecca Unger, who evaluates overweight children in private practice and at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, said the study backs up what she sees in the real world.

"We do see kids do well when we cut out juice," she said. "Sometimes that's all they need to do."

A solution?--give your kids Juice Plus! That way you KNOW they are getting the nutrients they need and NOT all the junk they don't! Call me to see if you qualify for the Children's Research Program--for every adult who committs to taking Juice Plus for ONE year, I can get their child Juice Plus FREE for that year! You simply have to fill out some health forms and track the health of your child. Juice Plus is that confident of their products benefit to health and is that committed to seeing the next generation get healthier! 314-918-0302 or visit to learn more.

A Must Read About OTC Pills

Link: Supplements lose luster after studies question claims.

Not the type of research and studies that many companies would like to see pursued, the conclusions from the "effectiveness of many over-the-counter pills and supplements" is going to hurt sales.  You should know, there have been plenty of studies out on the INeffectiveness of certain Vitamins (for starters) such as Vitamin C and E.  In fact, some studies show that there are higher cardiovascular disease risks with regular Vitamin C or E consumption. It seems that there has to be worldwide scientific consensus from multiple studies for their to be any "truth" to the obvious that taken one part - a vitamin - of the entire whole food which contains THOUSANDS of nutrients, is not going to be of benefit in the long term. 

First, read the report. Then, read what what you should be taking that is the closest thing to actually consuming 17 different fruits and vegetables. Learn more here...

Dr. J. Patrick Havey

Super Diet Pill to the Rescue

Super Fat Pill to the rescue! You have to read this Business Week article. It is discussing Accomplia, the new "diet miracle super duper" pill that is getting more media time than it deserves. The article discusses the billions of dollars the pill is expected to make the drug maker, and the paltry pounds that it is expected to take off drug taker. Losing 10% of your body weight, will certainly do a lot to improve someone's health to a degree, but it is worth the cost of the drug and the YEAR or more that it takes? Sticking to ANY diet, exercising and drinking water would bring about much more weight loss over the course of a year!

Further in the article, a voice of reason says "she wishes more was being done to promote healthy living, portion control and exercise". Duh!

I do too! I shout until I am blue in the face that Obesity is something that we can conquer and much more easily than we have been lead to believe. Every day I get mail from readers who are realizing change because of my LifeChanger program.

"Hello Julia, I just ordered your new book The Vice-Busting Diet. I'm on your Program already but I could use all the help that you have out there! Thank You! I've lost about 40lbs. so far. It has taken me about 2yrs. and I just wanted to let you know how much your program works and I'm on meds for a lower back pain, so I'm not able at this time to do as much as I would like to do in exercising but I'm ok one day at a time . Thank You Very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!"--that's more weight lost than by taking Accomplia

"Hello, Julia - Just a quick note, as of last week I have lost 45 pounds!!!   I am more than 1/2 way to my goal - Thank you for your Life Changer!!! Don't forget - You are a blessing! gina"

So, big drug companies can keep making their pills, and many of you will keep buying them hoping for a miracle, but others will opt to change their lives and do it the right way, without side effects and forever!

Gosh, it is high up here on my soapbox/highhorse, but I can't seem to get off of it. I KNOW what works and I have a responsibility to share it with others. Just take a peek for yourself and see if it just might be the answer YOU have been looking for!

Carpe Diet!

New Energy-Boosting Technology

The LifeWave™ Technology -
From: Dr. J. Patrick Havey

LifeWave™ Products, LLC has developed a new performance enhancing product and technology. With this dual patch system, nothing enters the body. Clinical and university studies have shown over 20% increases in stamina within the first 10 minutes of use.

Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, MD CCN, an internationally renowned nutritional expert states: "The LifeWave™ Technology patches use the electronic and magnetic features of the body like a cellular radio to transmit information from the patches into the body to enhance the production of energy and stamina. This technological discovery applies research from many fields of science."

The LifeWave™ Technology is the new approach to performance. The Patent Pending method allows organic materials to interact with the human body to improve energy, performance and stamina but without ingesting anything.

* For a more detailed explanation please visit the STUDIES portion on

What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is described as "Manufactured products that are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange the atoms in coal we can make diamonds. If we rearrange the atoms in sand we can make computer chips. If we rearrange the atoms in dirt, water and air we can make potatoes."

The LifeWave™ Technology takes advantage of nanotechnology resulting in an all natural product that communicates with the user to improve energy and well being without stimulants. Clinical studies have shown increases in energy and strength endurance within only minutes of using the patches.

What is in the Patches?

All LifeWave™ patches contain the LifeWave™ technology. The materials in the patches consist of a patent pending blend of water, Oxygen, amino acids and organics applied to a polyester fabric and sealed within a polymer shell. The active materials are applied to a substrate so as to form a nano-scale organic antenna. When properly assembled, we believe that these LifeWave™ antennas are capable of passively communicating with the user to instruct or initiate various metabolic responses in the user.

Learn more...

"I have personally used the LifeWave Patches and can tell you from experience a very noticeable difference in my workouts. After the 3rd time using the patches, I was completely sold and now am using them 3x/week. If you're in need of a noticeable energy boost without ingesting any chemicals, this is the way to go!"

Dr. Havey

The Chocolate Diet!

--"Cocoa Via to the rescue! Mars Inc., maker of Milky Way, Snickers and M&M’s candies, next month plans to launch nationwide a new line of products made with a dark chocolate the company claims has health benefits.he products are made with a kind of dark chocolate high in flavanols, an antioxidant found in cocoa beans that is thought to have a blood-thinning effect similar to aspirin and may even lower blood pressure. The snacks also are enriched with vitamins and injected with cholesterol-lowering plant sterols from soy.

Chocolate Bars, Mars and The Brooklyn Bridge You have got to read this article! Many things amaze me about the absolute LIES that the diet industry tries to peddle, but I think this takes the chocolate cake! Mars is entering the DIET industry!


Now, let's get down to the brass tacks, shall we? Mars couldn't really be motivated by a good samaritan urge to help our waist lines and our health improve, could they? After all, they aren't stopping making Snickers, Milky Ways, M&M's etc....they are just coming up with something "HEALTHY" to also offer us.--to help us, right?!

Well, let's just see about that: About CocoaVia™ Snacks from the website:

Q: What makes CocoaVia™ snacks different from other chocolate products?
A: CocoaVia™ is different from other snacks because it has a unique combination of cocoa flavanols and phytosterols. All CocoaVia™ snacks are guaranteed to contain at least 100 mg of cocoa flavanols. Developing scientific data suggest that the consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa products may have heart-healthy benefits. In addition to the cocoa flavanols, CocoaVia™ also contains phytosterols, which have been shown to support healthy cholesterol levels.

Q: For the intended heart health benefits, what quantity of CocoaVia™ products are recommended to be consumed each day?
A: You should consume two portions of CocoaVia™ snacks every day. (1 bar = one portion.)

Q: If I forget to eat my CocoaVia™ snack in the morning, can I eat twice as much in the evening to make up the difference?
A: Yes, you can enjoy CocoaVia™ snacks all at once. However, the phytosterols work best when consumed in spaced intervals with other foods as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol. If you forget to eat one portion of CocoaVia™ product, you should resume your regular regimen the following day. (doesn't this sound like "medical" advice on a medication label?)

Q: What happens to my cholesterol if I stop eating CocoaVia™ products after two weeks?
A: To obtain the benefits associated with foods containing sufficient levels of plant sterols, you should eat them every day. If you stop eating the foods with plant sterols and return to your usual diet, it is likely that any beneficial impact on cholesterol levels will cease, all other things being equal.

Q: What happens if I forget a day or two?
A: In order to enjoy the health benefits of plant sterols, it is best to eat foods containing appropriate levels of plant sterols every day. However, if you forget for a day or two, it is likely you will still get some benefit.

So, we have a medical sounding recommendation that you SHOULD consume two a day (at $1.00 a piece, that is $730 a year!), instructions for "if you miss a dose" AND the fear factor of "what would happen if I stopped taking this". OK, the typical consumer may be hooked, the fishing lure of the promise of improved health while getting to enjoy chocolate just may have worked and our customer is going to consume CocoaVia for thier health.

Well GUESS what? ONE BILLION people consume at least one piece of chocolate a day--do you think that they are going to forgo their other chocolate and only have this? Or maybe both? Afterall it is 'good for you'!?

So, with two doses a day, you are going to get two TINY morsels of food, 200 calories, 12 grams of fat, 24 grams of carbs, and some synthetic useless "vitamins" tossed in. You are going to spend $730 a year and you aren't going to lose weight or get any healthier because you are still consuming FAT with the premise of lowering your cholesterol with Flava-Flav-anoids.

Do you like being marketed to like this? Does it insult your intelligence for a company to spend MILLIONS of dollars packaging JUNK that isn't going to do much for you? For $1.30 a day, I KNOW that Juice Plus will lower your cholesterol! Go to and read the scientific material presented about Juice Plus! 

Watch this video from one of the most respected men in healthcare, Dr. Rosenfeld (#1) on Fox News (2 min)

Man isn't going to invent the miracle to improve your health, it has already been created! Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains, proteins, water, exercise...YOU just have to do it!

The Future Diet

Human lab rats! You have to read this article! It is about scientists studying how to make products trick us into thinking we are full--artifically full on chemically created foods!? Sounds very Jetson-era like to me!

Now, I could be wrong, I often am, but here's something to chew on--why should we drink a Slim Fast mega altered shake out of a can that has a shelf life of many years and is filled with a lot of preservatives and chemicals rather than whip up a delicious and VERY nutritous shake in our kitchen? I have a FRESH shake just about every morning--with fresh fruits, soy milk, ice cubes and a scoop of Complete or other mornings, I will have an omlet made with fresh egg whites and various fresh veggies. Both are filling and healthy.

For lunch, I do not opt for a tiny, sodium filled frozen Lean n' mean/SouthBeachy, etc meal, I have a REAL meal with fresh chicken, lettuce and other veggies. Dinner is about the same--real food and real amounts of it.

The one thing that really struck me about this article is that it NEVER mentioned drinking 64 ounces to 1/2 of a person's body weight in fluid ounces of water! THAT quenches hunger like nothing else! They are experimenting with chemicals, slow release starches and other JUNK to pump into our bodies to give us a false sense of fullness rather than giving us the truth--that we are used to eating too much food to feel "full" and that if we just drank more water, got some exercise and gradually got our bodies used to healthful portions, we would be just fine!--but THAT wouldn't make Kraft or any other company record profits, would it?

Save your money, and your health folks! Eat a well balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats/proteins, nuts, legumes, whole grains and drink plenty of water--and get your body moving! Want to make it really easy, just do Lifechanger!

Carpe Diet!


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Diet Crazy

The entire world has gone diet crazy! It is official. This just in from yet another study from the Institute for the Lack of Common Sense: Study casts doubt on the South Beach Diet craze! Well, DUH! We live in a day where more people know about The Simpsons than our Constitution and we need yet another study, costing likely millions of dollars, to tell us that the South Beach Diet may not be all it is touted to be?! Knock me over with a feather!

OK folks, I am going to spell this out for you as clearly as I can--the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat less food than you burn off in expended energy--it takes drinking water, eating a balanced diet of normal healthy foods, a positive attitude and exercise!

I was going to be attending a conference with Dr. South Beach, I thought hey--he has the #1 "diet" book, I have the #1 motivational program--we could team up and solve obesity!" Well, I went to the store to buy his book, I looked at DAY ONE and put the book back. ME, after losing 130 pounds, knew that there was NO WAY in the world that I could stick to DAY ONE of his diet, NOR do I think that the overweight person NEEDS to be told they can/should have creme brulee for dessert--learning to live without dessert would do more to effectively change their lives for ever!

Here is your choice today folks--go out to the book store and buy the latest fad diet book, or buy LifeChanger and actually change your life! Do it now, or do it later, eventually if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you will do it MY way!

These folks stopped doing the same thing (i.e. "fad dieting") and started doing it MY way:
"Julia, I just left my doctors office. It was the first time I have been weighed in a while. The last time I weighed myself I had lost 12 lbs. I am only at a total of 14 lbs now. I am not losing nearly as quickly as I had hoped but I am continuing to go in the right direction. I must be losing inches. I have had 2 people in the past week tell me I need to go shopping... my pants are getting huge! A few of the girls there were asking me how I have lost weight. I told them about your program. I have them your website address. Hopefully you will hear from them. Lisa"

"Hello, I don't know how to ask you this - but I have to. I am speaking tonight at a weight loss challenge in Toledo. There are going to be about 50 people there. I was asked because I am more than 1/2 way to my goal, and I have lost 45 pounds because of you! One of the points I wanted to mention was your LifeChanger program, and your book. And how your success has inspired me to continue on my fitness journey. So my question to you is this...Can I mention you, your book, and Lifechanger series tonight? Thank You, Gina"
Are YOU next?

Attitude is Everything

I was at a women's event over the weekend, about 4000 women were there and I think I literally spoke to 1000 of them personally. It was exhausting, but enlightening.
Here's what I came away with: I was there promoting the Vice Busting way of life--getting rid of YOUR worst habits and replacing them with heatlhier options.---nothing terribly structured or severe, but moderate change over time.Just about EVERY woman asked "What food will I eat?", "What is the plan to follow", What foods are included?"Such obsession with food!I realize that our natural weight loss induced tendency is to react by going "on" a diet, but in all honesty, where has that gotten you in the past?I see it here at daily.
Women are choosing a particular eating plan but have difficulty following it to the letter because perhaps on a given day they don't "feel" like eating something that is on the menu, or they keep getting knocked off track of their diet by the few "vice foods" that they struggle with.I KNOW this to be true. A survey conducted by shows that 85% admit to having "food vices" (those things which you "crave" or "love" and can't seem to go without for too long while dieting), 38% confessed to breaking their diets DAILY to consume their vice foods and 31% break their diets WEEKLY to consume these vice foods. So, we KNOW that 71% of "dieters" are MORE challenged by what NOT to be eating than by what TO eat--YET, virtually every woman I spoke with asked me "what I will I eat".
There are many excellent diet options to choose from here at eDiets, I don't care which one you decide is right for you--it should be one that meets your financial and time constraints and is in line with your basic tastes and likes, but what concerns me (and should concern you, too!) is what you are consuming on a regular basis, in enough quantity that you KNOW contributes largely to your excess weight! Everyone is seemingly so concerned with "what food their diet will allow them to eat" but they don't seem to be nearly as concerned with what they have been eating consistently enough up to this point that got them overweight in the first place?Do you see my point?
I want someone to show just as much concern over what they are consuming on their OWN time as they have over what their "diet" is going to have them consume!It is almost as though "here is how I live regularly and I am happy with it and don't plan on changing it, other than while I am "dieting" so, tell me what I am going to have to eat, so that I can get done with it, lose the weight and get "back" to living (eating) how I want".
Well folks, that just isn't going to work well at all!IF you are one of the extremely disciplined people who can 100% alter their usual habits and stick 100% to a prescribed method of eating (a diet plan) and lose all of your weight, but then you simply revert back to your old habits and eat what is "normal", you are doomed to yo-yo up and down more often than a roller coaster in peak season at the amusement park!For today, I would like for you to ask "What food SHOULDN'T I be eating that I often do?" rather than ask "what foods should I be eating".One is a position of power, of strength of taking control over YOUR destiny, the other is asking the herder which corral to point you in the direction of.Want to be the sheep or be the shepard?It's YOUR future and don't YOU know best what needs a bit of change?

One seems so helpless to me "what foods will I eat, tell me what to do and I will do it"--and you and I both know that dieting sheep often go astray!!!! or the other stance is srong and has such an empowered attitude of "here is ONE thing that is wrong with my lifestyle and I am going to take charge TODAY and change!"Yes, attitude IS everything. Be strong and lead yourself to the promised land of health!

Sugary drinks = Chubby kids

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Sweet drinks -- whether Kool-Aid with sugar or all-natural apple juice -- seem to raise the risk of pudgy preschoolers getting fatter, new research suggests.
That may come as a surprise to parents who pride themselves on seeking out fruit drinks with no added sugar. "Juice is definitely a part of this," said lead researcher Jean Welsh of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While fruit juice does have vitamins, nutritionists say it's inferior to fresh fruit. The new U.S. dietary guidelines, for example, urge consumers away from juice, suggesting they eat whole fruit instead.

The bottom line, though, is that "children need very few calories in their day," Welsh said. "Sweet drinks are a source of added sugar in the diet." She said preschoolers were better off snacking on fruit or drinking water or milk.

School bans juice
Welsh's research, published in the February issue of Pediatrics, found that for 3- and 4-year-olds already on the heavy side, drinking something sweet once or twice a day doubled their risk of becoming seriously overweight a year later. The sweet drinks seemed to have little effect, however, on children of normal weight. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting preschoolers to 4 to 6 ounces of juice per day. Some parents and schools are paying attention.

One Chicago Head Start program banned juice last year as part of an anti-obesity effort after finding that one out of five of its students was obese. Monica Dillion, community health nurse for the Howard Area Family Center, said the preschool also added more fruits and vegetables to meals and more exercise to the daily schedule. The preschool has never served soft drinks.
The juice ban drew no complaints, Dillion said. "The kids didn't notice at all."

Study specifics
The Pediatrics study followed 10,904 Missouri children in a nutrition program for low-income families. Researchers looked at the effect of sweet drinks in three groups: normal and underweight children, those at risk of becoming overweight, and those who already were overweight.

The researchers compared the children's heights and weights, approximately one year apart. They also looked at parents' reports of what their children ate and drank during a four-week period at the beginning of the first year. Fruit drinks like Kool-Aid and Hi-C were included as sweet drinks, along with juice and soda. The link between sweet drinks and being overweight showed up for all three weight categories, although it wasn't statistically significant for the normal and underweight children.

Taking into account other differences, such as ethnicity, birth weight and a high-fat diet, didn't erase the effect of sweet drinks. The children in the study drank, on average, more fruit juice than soft drinks or sweetened fruit drinks.

Bigger is not better
Sweet drinks are high in calories and low in fiber. Nutritionists believe that calorie-dense, low-fiber foods may lead to overeating because those foods are quickly consumed but less filling than foods higher in fiber. The authors suggest that limiting sweet drinks may help solve the growing problem of childhood obesity. One in five American children is overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The study defined at-risk children as those whose size put them in the 85th to 95th percentile in growth charts. A child in the 85th percentile would be heavier than 85 percent of children of the same gender and age. Richard H. Adamson, vice president for scientific and technical affairs at the American Beverage Association, questioned the study's methods, saying it didn't take into account television viewing, overweight parents and the children's activity levels.

But Dr. Rebecca Unger, who evaluates overweight children in private practice and at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, said the study backs up what she sees in the real world.

"We do see kids do well when we cut out juice," she said. "Sometimes that's all they need to do."
A solution?--give your kids Juice Plus! That way you KNOW they are getting the nutrients they need and NOT all the junk they don't! Call me to see if you qualify for the Children's Research Program--for every adult who committs to taking Juice Plus for ONE year, I can get their child Juice Plus FREE for that year! You simply have to fill out some health forms and track the health of your child. Juice Plus is that confident of their products benefit to health and is that committed to seeing the next generation get healthier!
Visit to learn more.

A Must Read About OTC Pills

Link: Supplements lose luster after studies question claims.

Not the type of research and studies that many companies would like to see pursued, the conclusions from the "effectiveness of many over-the-counter pills and supplements" is going to hurt sales. You should know, there have been plenty of studies out on the INeffectiveness of certain Vitamins (for starters) such as Vitamin C and E. In fact, some studies show that there are higher cardiovascular disease risks with regular Vitamin C or E consumption. It seems that there has to be worldwide scientific consensus from multiple studies for their to be any "truth" to the obvious that taken one part - a vitamin - of the entire whole food which contains THOUSANDS of nutrients, is not going to be of benefit in the long term.

First, read the report. Then, read what what you should be taking that is the closest thing to actually consuming 17 different fruits and vegetables. Learn more here...

Dr. J. Patrick Havey

Fat Pill to Swallow

Super Fat Pill to the rescue!

You have to read this Business Week article. It is discussing Accomplia, the new "diet miracle super duper" pill that is getting more media time than it deserves. The article discusses the billions of dollars the pill is expected to make the drug maker, and the paltry pounds that it is expected to take off drug taker. Losing 10% of your body weight, will certainly do a lot to improve someone's health to a degree, but it is worth the cost of the drug and the YEAR or more that it takes? Sticking to ANY diet, exercising and drinking water would bring about much more weight loss over the course of a year!

Further in the article, a voice of reason says "she wishes more was being done to promote healthy living, portion control and exercise". Duh! I do too! I shout until I am blue in the face that Obesity is something that we can conquer and much more easily than we have been lead to believe. Every day I get mail from readers who are realizing change because of my LifeChanger program.

"Hello Julia, I just ordered your new book The Vice-Busting Diet. I'm on your Program already but I could use all the help that you have out there! Thank You! I've lost about 40lbs. so far. It has taken me about 2yrs. and I just wanted to let you know how much your program works and I'm on meds for a lower back pain, so I'm not able at this time to do as much as I would like to do in exercising but I'm ok one day at a time . Thank You Very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!"--that's more weight lost than by taking Accomplia.

"Hello, Julia - Just a quick note, as of last week I have lost 45 pounds!!! I am more than 1/2 way to my goal - Thank you for your Life Changer!!! Don't forget - You are a blessing! gina"
So, big drug companies can keep making their pills, and many of you will keep buying them hoping for a miracle, but others will opt to change their lives and do it the right way, without side effects and forever!

Gosh, it is high up here on my soapbox/highhorse, but I can't seem to get off of it. I KNOW what works and I have a responsibility to share it with others. Just take a peek for yourself and see if it just might be the answer YOU have been looking for!