You won't believe me until you try it, but Juice Plus is THE best addition to a healthful life that I can think of, and for someone who isn't doing things as healthfully as they can, it is an essential "must have"! I will NEVER mislead you or any of my other readers. I take the responsibility of the trust that you place in me very seriously and will only direct you to products or services that I KNOW will improve your health and quality of life. I think every person on this planet who wants to lose weight should use LifeChanger and every person should take Juice Plus and exercise, drink water and have a positive attitude! (Learn more about Juice Plus from my husband, Dr. Patrick Havey: go here.)
For those still looking for a great gift, consider www.motherswish.org the cd available there is amazing and the perfect gift for any mother and all proceeds go Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. For anyone ordering the CD, send me an email and I will register you to win the Jeanine Payer beautiful and poetic ring we are giving away as our holiday promotion.
Carpe Diet!
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