Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Breaking News; FAT not all that! or is it?

OK, I am a bit incensed today. My newservice alerted me today with this headline: Could Obesity be a Big Fat False Alarm? According to a POLITICAL SCIENCE professor FAT isn't such a big deal!

"What I'm saying is that you can be healthy at any particular size. Really important factors are not how much you weigh, but what you eat, and most importantly, how much you exercise,” said J. Eric Oliver, author of “Fat Politics.”

Guess what Mr. Oliver, you just may win the Pulitzer Prize for solving the Obesity problem! To think someone who spent their life in a class room studying and conducting research in the area of social science that involves the systematic study of political institutions and behavior; and figured out that FAT isn't dangerous! That over 300,000 people are year aren't dying because of Obesity! AND, he offers this brilliant reasoning: "we can be healthy as FAT people, but we have to eat better and exercise more".

Someone, please get a hold of the people over at the Institute for the Lack of Common Sense and get this man an award or some grant money for further studying! Mr. Oliver, do you mean if we EAT healthier foods and get some exercise that we will be healthier? HEY, but won't that mean that we will also be THINNER!?

No Mr. Oliver, we fat people do not sit around hoping to be thinner while eating our salads and hoofing it out on the treadmill---doing every thing healthful but staying fat for some mysterious reason. We are fat because we are gorging on McDonalds, sucking down sugar filled soft drinks and NOT exercising, for the most part!

I hope your book sales for "Fat Politics" are good and that you get on Oprah's show to tell the world how the politcal system is simply calling us fat and that we aren't and that we are in fact much healthier than it seems. Goodness, for that matter, tell the 300,000 people who died last year's families that they didn't die due to being obese but because society and politics simply mislabled them!

Folks, the TRUTH is that FAT is dangerous, FAT is deadly, FAT clogs arteries, FAT is unhealthy and FAT isn't necessary! A sendentary lifestyle isn't fun, it isn't fulfilling and isn't empowering. Take a look for yourself at FAT and where a FAT lazy, sedentary life can lead!
Warning, these pictures are hard to look at! To see those pics of Mr. Uribe click here . As you look at these pictures, look at the squalor the man lives in--not only is he FAT I would say that his lifestyle is as unhealthy as he is, or Mr. Oliver, are we to believe that this guy is healthy despite his fat?

So, ask yourself, do you really want that pizza tonight? Is a soft drink really a mindless choice that has NO ramifications? Look closely, you will see a green liter bottle of soft drink within this man's reach, yeah, there's a water bottle too, but I will bet $5 he can't reach that bottle! Do you see how his bedpost is digging into the floor? Do you see the sores on his skin?
Folks, the truth is, fat is deadly, it is addictive and it going to kill too many people if we don't get ourselves under control. Extreme example? YOU BET! Sometimes we need to be scared straight. Hope it made you drop the twinkie!

PS. This man is fighting to get Gastric Bypass surgery. Ok, who is feeding him, buying his food and serving him? He can't even stand much less make it to the grocery store, so PERHAPS his journey should start with cutting back on some food rather than cutting back his stomach? I don't know, call me whacked out but seriously--what needs to be cut out here folks?! Maybe he can be like media darling Patrick Deuel and get headlines across the world as he has gastric bypass surgery and then turn around after having lost 500 pounds and declare that he is still going to eat his fast food, have his soft drinks and no one is going to tell him no, or there "will be hell to pay" because HE is not going to be denied anything that he wants!
What are we really denying ourselves of if we pass up unhealthy foods in favor of getting yes, thinnner, but also healthier?
NOTHING in my opinion.

Carpe Diet!
http://www.JPSupplement.com make ONE healthy choice today!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weight loss in a Pill! Diet wonders or one night wonders?

Stop the presses! A new diet pill is here!! You read the article and see for yourself! Ok, I am actually faking my enthusiasm but what is real is my skepticism. How could I not be skeptical? Just read the actual results from this "Fat-fighting" drug:
Side effects could also be an issue. While patients on Acomplia have lost around 7 kg (15 lb) in body weight over two years, concerns remain about its potential impact on mood."
I can assure you of this, if I spent TWO years taking ANY diet pill or doing ANY "diet" and all that I lost was 15 pounds; you bet I would be moody--pissed off would better describe what one could expect my mood to be like!

How about yours? 24 months at even ONE pound a month would be be 24 pounds lost over the TWO years, but safe and EFFECTIVE weight loss should be at a rate of more like 1-2 pounds a WEEK, so over the TWO years that said moody patient was shelling out money for Sanofi-Aventis SA’s Acomplia, they could have lost 104 pounds if they lost 1 pound a week doing it the old fashioned and apparently out of favor way of 'eating healthfully and getting exercise'!
I lost 130 pounds in 15 months, that is 8 pounds a month, 2 pounds a week. I didn't take Acomplia, Phen-Fen, Trim Spa, Body Solutions or any other prescription or over the counter miracle weight loss drug.

I took water. I took exercise. I didn't take Ice-cream, pasta, soft drinks or fast food.
Gosh? Do you want to wait for the FDA to approve Acomplia so you can jump on the 7.5 pound a year weight loss miracle or, would you actually like to take control rather than take a pill and get busy changing your life?

Get back to me when you have your answer.

Carpe Diet!
http://www.lifechanger.us/ now available without a prescription!

Diet extremes--Star Jones' secret

You can't pick up a women's magazine without an article about dieting, weight loss and celebrity extremes somewhere in it. Perhaps most troubling of the recent celebrity slimming stories is that of Star Jones. I can't say that I am a "fan" of Ms. Jones because I don't watch The View and never saw her on Court TV but she is fascinating, at least the bit of her that I know. Anyone who reaches her level of success is doing something right. It is my opinion however that now, she is doing something quite wrong!

I recall her having been a rather strong 'fat acceptance' advocate but now given her dramatic weight loss she is stressing the reason that she lost weight was to improve her health--that I applaud, but the problem is that she isn't really telling the whole story about HOW she lost so much weight.

I watched her on a cable news interview the other night. I found her to be very likeable and personable--I didn't know that about her before, but I also heard her say numerous times that "her doctors" initiated her weight loss and other such evasive comments. I am assuming, as are millions of other people, that she must have had gastric bypass surgery. WHY won't she come out and say it?

In a way, I am glad that she isn't touting the method as the end all diet secret, because it isn't. But she also isn't making it clear that the best way to lose weight is through healthy eating, exercise, drinking water and positive attitude.

Gastric Bypass surgery in and of itself may "require" healthy eating for a successful outcome, but it does not ensure it. To have a celebrity like Ms. Jones evade the answer as to what "procedure" she had, so as not to become their poster child but to make her weight loss seem effortless and easy will indirectly lead more people to seek that procedure. She did say that forever changing HABITS and PATTERNS is the key to keeping weight off. THAT I agree with Ms. Jones, but I know that I can get just as much weight as you lost off of ANY person, in the same amount of time that it took YOU to lose it and do so without having any surgical "jumpstart" required! Take that challenge and put it on The View! ANY person, any where--

Gastric Bypass is the most dangerous operation being performed today, in my opinion. My husband's uncle spent 10 months in critical care after a post operative complication. Here's an email about a young woman who just had Gastric Bypass performed:

"Julia, I wanted to update you on the girl I told you about while back that weighs 430 pounds.. and had the skin 'apron' removed because of the infections... the one whose mom is way overweight too... well a month agao yesterday she had gastric bypass.. I don't really have time to tell you about it...in detail on what I feel what will happen to her... but to make a long story short... first off; they couldn't even do the surgery correctly because she was too overweight.... they made a long skinny pouch to go the length of her liver cause it was too enlarged (fat) to do what they wanted to do.. first let down.... so far she has lost 55 pounds in a month an she has a good outlook and thinks it will help her and she will get skinny... but on week TWO!!!! week 2... she was already eating "bites" of things that were not allowed yet and PROUD that her stomach could handle it... the week of xmas she ate a BITE of turkey and dressing... and said her stomach "handled it" although she was suppose to be only on liquids... since then she has eaten many BITES of items that she is not allowed to have yet... this scares me casue if she is already eating the things not allowed... sooner or later her stomach will let her have 2 bites... then 3.... then she will be able to "HANDLE" more..... she was gonna die if she didn't do somehting and i am glad she "DID" somehting... BUT.... if she is already doing this.. where will she be next year at this time... if for some reason you feel the need to include this for others to know that once again, unless you change what you KNOW is healthy and what you know you should eat.... your lifestyle wont be changed.."

This email is from a woman who lost 185 pounds with my approach and I never had to cut into her stomach--not once!
http://www.LifeChanger.us --now available without a prescription and NO surgery is required!

The Flavor Point Diet; by Dr. David L. Katz--Oprah's Dr!

I love Dr. David L. Katz. He was the first person in the weight loss industry to call me a "peer" and for that, he will always hold a special place in my heart, because HE is the best of the best and to be considered by him as a peer, is an honor in deed.

He has a new book out, The Flavor Point Diet , it is great and this article discusses it in detail

It is based on the principle that if you limit or control the flavors that your brain is exposed to, you will thus control your hunger. Makes sense to me! It goes along with Vice Busting that if you "LOVE" chocolate and taste it, you are going to want more of it, so if you just don't expose your brain to it, by BUSTING it, you won't crave it. To me a craving is simply your body/brain crying out for that which YOU have gotten used to having! ...So, get "un-used" to it!

Learn what Dr. Katz has to say about The Vice Busting Diet by visiting http://www.lifechanger.us/

Dr. Katz is also currently conducting a study at Yale's Medical School--Department of Preventative Medicine on the effects of Juice Plus. He has spoken at various Juice Plus functions and is one of the big reasons that I am promoting the benefits of Juice Plus. Another doctor who's opinion I greatly respect had this to say about Juice Plus: "If you can't, won't or don't eat 7-13 servings of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables a day, take Juice Plus!" Watch this to see fo yourself: Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld on Fox

I recommend the Garden & Orchard capsules--you take them every day, 2 pills in the AM, 2 in the PM and I also have the Complete protein shake every morning as my breakfast. Since starting on this regime 5 months ago, I am down 10 pounds without having changed ANYTHING else!

Learn more, visit http://www.jpsupplement.com/ Take charge of YOUR health for the rest of and BEST of your life!
