Sunday, March 04, 2007

Jumpstart your diet, lose weight and help end Obesity!

Jumpstart your weight loss!

Wouldn’t it be great if there were jumper cables that we could attach to our thighs to get our weight loss engines rev’d up?! I know that I would buy them! Short of having fat loss jumper cables, how best can we jumpstart our efforts?

I think the best way to do so is to write down 5 things that your weight hinders you from doing today that you would really like to do in your lifetime.

I know people have goals of rock climbing but today can not even walk around the block, but having the goal to rock climb some day serves as a daily motivator to take the first few necessary steps towards realizing their bigger goals.

What would your top 5 To-Do list contain?

• Rock climbing
• Wearing a certain size clothing
• Looking great for an upcoming event
• Doing public speaking
• Getting a better job or a raise
• Having sex with the lights on?!
• Skiing
• Going dancing
• Showing your dogs

The list is as varied as our lives and lifestyles are, but I am sure there are some things that you can name that you really really want to do but aren’t doing now either because you are embarrassed by your weight, physically unable to do so because of your weight or just don’t think that you could do it.

In any event, identifying some things that you WANT out of life can serve as a great motivator in getting them.

Now that you have a few things listed that you would like to do, write down 3 actions that you should take over the next month that would help you get closer to realizing the most important one to you.

I would recommend that you incorporate drinking more water, increasing your exercise time and limiting food vices in your list of actions. I am confident that they will help you to realize any and all of these goals.

Now, set a plan to get each of the 3 actions ingrained in your daily schedule each day. Make specific tasks that will help you do this. For example:

1.Drink 8 ounces of water each hour that I am at my desk.
2.Walk for 10 minutes each 2 hours—that will add up to 40 minutes of walking over the course of the typical work day! Or, wear a pedometer and shoot for getting 10,000 steps a day (if you only do 2,000, then GRADUALLY build by 10% each week or two until you are safely and comfortably to 10,000!—don’t try to change overnight!)
3.Bust your worst food vice. If a daily candy bar is your “thing”—change it to a daily apple.

These simple changes will jumpstart you weight loss and have you coasting towards a healthier lifestyle in no time!

Finally, I LOVE this AD!

P.S. If you are interested in my help in losing weight, use the coupon code "sparkpeople" and save $50 off of the $197 price for my 26-week; 50 pounds OFF guaranteed program! What are you weighting for?

The body's ability to heal and the role nutrition plays in it.

A little more than a year after a roadside bomb in Iraq nearly killed him, ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff has returned to talk about his experience – appearing this week on Good Morning America and The Oprah Winfrey Show. He and wife Lee also have documented the incredible recovery in a new book, In an Instant: A Family's Journey of Love and Healing.

Juice Plus+ Capsule. Like our Dr Oz diet approved weight loss plan, this is a healthy choice. Oprah's Dr. Mehmet Oz knows that a diet is temporary but a healthy lifestyle is for good. Even Juice plus+ is made with an orange, a lot of orange juice, that gives it a lot of nutrition when a cup of results and lemon is added. Add fountain water without some breville and juice fountain, although fruits and other juice is the convenient way to get nutrients but many convenient even if you have apple juice. When I can't have healthy and fresh products, juice plus, and juice nsa plus is a way to get health with juice plus vitamin, so if you are a distributor juice plus, then the gummies juice plus is juice plus supplement. The juice plus scam that we see does not hold much credence, but it is a problem. You may have read a juice plus review that is similar to acai juice plus. If you are interested in any juice plus product and you want to learn if there are any benefits, then look at the juice plus research. Breville fountain juice plus is not one of the things that is available, but a complete juice plus line can be found at If you have a complaint juice plus, then any distributor juice nsa plus can help you. Juice noni plus is not something you can find when you try to buy juice plus. Every single ingredient juice plus has fiber juice plus and can be found in the capsules. Don't get ebay juice plus because you can't be sure of the quality. You may use to find inc juice nsa plus for you diet, but don't expect to use a breville fountain. If you look for the capsules or the pills - don't be confused it's not a Dr Oz Diet, be sure to consider thins, the vineyard, and even the gummy. There is dog juice plus and gummy juice plus, too. Use juice plus for any pregnancy as a perfect alternative to most vitamins on the market. There is a juice plus study, actually many that validate the quality and effectiveness of the nutrition. Juice Plus+ is made by juicing 17 different fruits and vegetables, then with a cup of vitamins and a tablespoon of apples, you get a healthy start. When you start with a juice, and then you add another, you get a healthy combination. Juice plus is made with an orange, a lot of orange juice, that gives it a lot of nutrition when a cup of results and lemon is added. Also, there are many weight loss plans out there, but the one that most people agree is the best is a Dr Oz diet approved plan. If you have used a Dr Oz diet, then you know it's a weight loss plan that is healthy, and if followed will lead to a permanent healthy and fit lifestyle! When I have fresh and useful product, I get apple with my convenient and inexpensive meal, juice of one many way but only one way to add more fruits and vegetables to add more nutrition to your juice plus diet, and the sugar and water are removed through a drying process that leaves you with orange juice. Do you know the juices from which juice plus is made? Apples, oranges, pineapples, cranberries, peaches, cherries, and papaya juice - and that's just the fruit juices! Add fountain water without some breville and juice fountain, although fruits and other juice is the convenient way to get nutrients but many convenient even if you have apple juice. When I have fresh and useful product, I get apple with my convenient and inexpensive meal, juice of one many way but only one way to add more fruits and vegetables to add more nutrition to your Dr Oz diet, and the sugar and water are removed through a drying process that leaves you with the healthy nutrients you need!

My daughter Taylor and I watched the feature on Bob Woodruff's miraculous recovery on television last night. The story of what he went through was unbelievable, the love he was surrounded by is enviable and the dedication that he now has to helping others suffering from head injuries is admirable.

There was one scene in the story that stood out to me though, and it is what I would like to focus on for this article. Bob Woodruff was shown eating lunch with one of the injured soldier's. They were eating a hot dog, chips and Coca-Cola--this at a rehab hospital?!

I have to think that the person would heal much more quickly and better in the long run if he did not drink Coca-cola and had water instead. If he consumed an apple or mini carrots rather than a bag of chips and finally, if a turkey sandwich was offered rather than an overly processed hot dog!

A family member of ours is in the hospital in very critical condition following a heart valve operation. After a month, he is finally coming around and keeps asking for water, but they can't give it to him because he has a tracheotomy in his throat. I can't help but think his body NEEDS water as he is trying to recover. Dr. B's book, "Your bodies many cries for water" discusses many serious health conditions reversed, improved and even cured when water intake in increased. I can't imagine what having NONE does to the body.

It's amazing when we can't have any water how much we want it and equally as amazing to me, that when we should be drinking water we opt for Coke or other soft drinks instead.

To help our bodies heal from surgery, trauma, daily function--there is NOTHING better for your body than sound, healthy nutrition and you won't find that in a McDonald's bag, in a Lay's bag, in a bottle of Coke or in an IV.

We need water, whole grains, lean meats/proteins, fruits and vegetables if we are to live optimally healthy, and those recovering from seriuos injury or illness need it even more so!

What have you consumed today that if someone watched your day on a video would stand out as unhealthy or not belonging in the diet of someone wanting to lose weight and be optimally healthy?

My day so far? A smoothie made with Soy milk, a banana, some fruit juice, flax, wheat germ and ice cubes mixed with a scoop of protein powder . Later today I will have a salad w/ lots of veggies, brown rice and crab meat and probably, although I am trying no to do so, a Starbucks coffee (that is what you would scold me at if my day were filmed!)

What does your day look like and how can you make it better?

Prince Charles abdicates the throne; the Burger King title!

Prince Charles & Camilla2-27-07. British royal Prince Charles has called for the closure of McDonalds fast food outlets worldwide in a bid to curb rising obesity levels. The prince targeted the chain as he attended the launch of a public health awareness campaign to fight diabetes in the United Arab Emirates.

Speaking to nutritionist Nadine Tayara at the Imperial College London Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi, Charles said, "Have you got anywhere with McDonald's, have you tried getting it banned? That's the key."

Go Chuck! I have always been a big fan of Prince Charles, but now, I think I may just love him! Watch out Camilla! LOL

Seriously, what GUTS this man has! I have to make a prediction though, IF the media picks up on this story and Prince Charles' comments are made known to the masses, he is going to get a backlash of negative publicity the likes of which he can't even begin to imagine!

Since coming out with my book, The Vice Busting Diet , in which I call for a personal ban of ALL fattening, nutrition lacking and unhealthy "FAST FOOD", sugar-laden, chemical-laced bubbly "SOFT DRINKS" and limited TV viewing, I have gotten a slew of unwanted press--Coca-Cola called me "crazy"--but hey, when you have 3 BILLION dollars to spend advertising your unhealthy food and drinks--your message gets heard a lot more often then my little "hey don't drink soft drinks or eat fast food--it is why you are obese" message!

Now, I have a Prince on my team! Do you think he might put me up for knighthood? Dame Julia? I could get used to that! LOL

Bust your vices ; before they bust you!

2-28 update: I told you it would happen! Already, less than 24 hours after he made the comment about banning McDonalds, out comes the spin doctors over at the Golden Arches!

A McDonald's spokesman, Nick Hindle, called the remark disappointing. He said other members of the royal family "have probably got a more up-to-date picture of us," alluding to reports that Charles' son, Prince Harry, was spotted eating a chicken burger at McDonald's in 2005.

"This appears to be an off-the-cuff remark, in our opinion," Hindle said. "It does not reflect our menu or where we are as a business."

They are calling him OLD and not up to date!!! Uh, Mr Hindle, his son at a CHICKEN burger 2 years ago, and he is at a healthy weight! We are talking about those with Morbid Obesity, the 2.6 million for instance who died last year and obesity was a factor in their death. Or the 300,000 who died DIRECTLY due to Obesity last year.

For once, I wish someone in the Chicago headquarters would just be honest and say, you know what; we are largely to blame for Obesity, but people love our foods, it's a free market economy and we choose to keep selling it.

But PLEASE, get some ethics and stop saying that those of us who speak out about the dangers of soft drinks and fast food are "old", "crazy", "out dated"--we are articulate, intelligent and passionate. You are only adding fuel to OUR fire!

UN says fake diet pills world's fastest-growing drug problem!

Have you ever thought about ordering a weight loss pill on line? Prescription strength, no doctor appointment, private...sounds tempting and many people are giving into that tempation--but for you do, please read this:

from The Telegraph--UK

The International Narcotics Control Board called for tighter controls over the market in products that should only be prescribed in exceptional circumstances.

In its annual report, the board said drugs developed for life-saving anti-obesity treatments were being bought through the internet and used by women desperate to lose weight. Anorectic drugs suppress the appetite or sensation of hunger and are mainly prescribed against obesity, narcolepsy and attention deficit disorder. They can be addictive, and indiscriminate use can cause panic states, aggressive behaviour, hallucinations and even death,

Increasingly these drugs, both real and counterfeit, are being sold over the internet when they should be prescribed by doctors and dispensed by chemists.

The INCB said an unregulated market in counterfeit medicines through the internet was the world's fastest-growing narcotics problem.

''Substandard and sometimes even lethal medication is being sold to the unsuspecting consumer," the report said.

''Unregulated markets are often supplied with stolen and diverted drugs, illicitly manufactured pharmaceuticals or through illegal sales in the internet and distributed through mail and courier services."----fin

OK< this article even talked about the recent death of a sickly thin supermodel saying these illegal, fake and dangerous pills could have been part of the cause of her death. Is that a price you are prepared to pay? I KNOW you can lose weight healthfully without dangerous drugs!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Does an Obese child mean child abuse?

PictureAuthorities are considering taking an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet , officials in England said Monday. Social service officials will meet with family members Tuesday to discuss the health of Connor McCreaddie, who weighs four times the average for his age.

An unidentified health official was quoted as telling The Sunday Times that taking custody of Connor would be a last resort, but said the family had repeatedly failed to attend appointments with nurses, nutritionists and social workers.

"Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect," the official was quoted as saying.

Dr. Colin Waine, the director of the National Obesity Forum in Nottingham, England, called Connor's lifestyle "extremely dangerous," adding he is at risk of developing diabetes in his early teens, and cardiovascular and nervous system problems in his 20s.

"He's really at risk of dying by the time he's 30," Waine said.

Dr. Michael Markiewicz, a pediatrician, agreed.

"I'm not saying they can't care for him, but what they are doing is through the way they are treating him and feeding him, they are slowly killing him," he said.

Connor's case attracted national attention after his mother allowed an ITV News crew to film his day-to-day life over the course of a month.

Connor's mother said he steals and hides food, frustrating her efforts to help him. He eats double or triple what a normal seven-year-old would have, she said.

"If I didn't give him enough at teatime then he would just go on at us all night for snacks and stuff," she told ITV.

Connor, who lives with his mother and sister, has difficulty dressing and washing himself, misses school regularly because of poor health, and is targeted by bullies.

"People pick on us because of my weight. They call us fat . It makes us feel sick of the nutters always shouting at us," Connor told ITV.


OK, that is the newspaper's story. What is your opinion?

What if your child hounded you all night for McDonald's, would you give in? What if that child was 100 pounds overweight , would you keep giving in?

I have raised this issue before and found myself in hot water because I have said that those who bring food to morbidly obese shut ins or parents of these horrifically obese children are guilty of accessory or at the very least of enabling their suicide by food.

I hope now is the time that we as a society are going to say enough is enough and take away some freedoms in the name of health if we are ever to win this battle against raging obesity .

We have to win.

300,000 DIED last year and had OBESITYHERE on their death certificate as the cause of death.

2.6 million died and had OBESITY as a contributing cause of their death on their death certificate, estimates are that number would double if EVERY contributing cause were listed.

100 BILLION dollars was spent by our gov't to fight obesity in 2006.

We spent 45 BILLION dollars buying pills, powders, programs that offer quick weight loss results only gotten fatter as a whole.

Connor's mother isn't to blame. It is the Obesigenic society that we live in that is at fault and if we collectively don't raise our fists and demand change, more mothers like Connors are going to face losing their child--either to protective services or to early death. This kid isn't 218 pounds because he eats too many fruits and vegetables, goes heavy on the lean proteins, has too many chicken breasts or eats one too many handfuls of nuts. No, this boy is obese because he eats JUNK food! He fills his body with soft drinks, fast food, processed foods and doesn't get enough exercise--THE three biggest diet vices that are causing the obesity pandemic across the globe...and in your neighborhood.

I really think we can do better and we must.

Bust your vices, before they bust you! To bust your vices,


In the weekend edition of USA Today the article "Trans fat: Infamous but not the only villian" caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you.

I couldn't find a link to it so I will sum it up, it was by my favorite USA Today columnist, Nanci Hellmich and she said:

"Yes, they're (trans fats) bad for heart health, but nutritionists say focusing on them could distract from the real devil: Our diets!"

Well said! The article talks about the rush that marketers and food makers have recently gone through in getting trans fats out of our diets and finding a more acceptable fat while continuing to make their otherwise unhealthy and unnecessary food items available to us.

"It is important to remind ourselves that changing oils and removing trans fats does not magically turn a deep-fried food into a health food" says Dawn Jackson Blatner, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

The reason that American diets are SO bad is that for our hearts is that we eat too much junk food and not enough fruits and vegetables!"

WELL, knock me over with a feather! An example given in the article was the recent miracle trans fat free transformation that Oreo cookies went through, originally three cookies would would deliver 7 grams of fat (2.5 from trans fat and 1.5 in saturated fat--no mention of where the other 3 grams are from!), well the NEW and improved Oreo still has 7 grams of FAT, this time you get 2. from saturated fats and no mention of where the other 5 come from)

FAT is FAT, an Oreo is still an Oreo and whether they fry them in trans fat, butter, removed body fat or whatever other disgusting fat they replace it with, a McDonald's french FRY will still be a french FRY and still won't be an apple--or as good for you as one!

The solution to this fat problem really is quite simple; live a lifestyle that is full of exercise, plentiful with water, rich in fruits and vegetables, proteins (lean ones!), limit your carbs and be very wary of ANY processed, fast or packaged food!

Don't let Madison Avenue and it's ad execs dictate how you are going to live and what you will feed your family!

The sticks and stones diet!?

Before we get down to it, first read this great review for my book, The Vice Busting Diet that the 3FatChicks posted on their blog:

" When we surveyed thousands of readers at 3FC, we heard over and over how hard it was to get started on a diet. Why is it so hard to stick with a healthy eating plan for even a couple of weeks? One of the reasons is because old habits are hard to break. Julia Havey has found a slow and easy approach to getting past your bad habits with The Vice Busting Diet . You might not consider yourself to have a vice, but even if you have bad habits, which let's face it - most overweight people do - then this book may be able to help you."

Isn't that a super review!?

I would love it if the 3FATchicks changed their name to the site, after all, what they are doing is amazing--they are helping hundreds of women to improve their lives, their health and their bodies. I see them as so much more than FAT, but they apparently do not see a problem with labeling themselves with a negative moniker, I do! I don't want any woman to EVER call herself "FAT"--perhaps her body is, but SHE, "who" she is has to be much more than simply a physically descriptive word. FAT is NOT a personality trait and it shouldn't be how we define ourselves or allow anyone else to define us! Recently actor Isaiah Washington found himself in a lot of hot water when he called a fellow cast member the "F" word even though some in the gay community may use that term; they find it offensive for others to do so. Micheal Richards used the "N" word and ended up in rehab to mend his ways depsite the fact that the term is very popular within the black culture.

In today's society we do not tolerate negative, self-depricating and insulting words, yet when it comes to FAT it is the last bastion of discrimination, tolerated hate and harassment that we have left, and until we stop calling ourselves these negative self-depricating words, no one else is going to. If you were walking down the street and someone called you FAT, you would cry inside wouldn't you?

If your spouse called you FAT, you would be devastated, wouldn't you?

If your boss called you FAT, you would want to quit, wouldn't you?

So, don't call yourself FAT, don't tolerate it from ANYONE--and that is the first step to ridding your life and your body of fat!

If you have been in a rut and are having trouble losing the weight , finding the energy, and feeling and looking great, then try a lifestyle transformation. Not a transformation that will give you unrealistic expectations of being a different person in a week. But a transformation that starts with simple actions - one step at a time. Imagine you change the course of your life by just 1 degree. It doesn't sound like much, but extapolate that out to 1 year and you will be miles away from where you would have been had you not made any changes.

You can start today by making that one change. And next week, you can make another change. That's the approach that has been helping thousands of people. Start by learning what the top three diet vices are in the U.S. and are spreading throughout the world.

Put your blinders on and get moving. Like a horse that focuses on the finish line, I think all of us would do much better if we set goals and kept our focus on those goals. Don't let unnecessary distractions take you away from what you'd like to accomplish in your life. At the end of the week, month, year and even 10 years later, you'll be able to look back and think about all the positive experiences you've had along the way. A life of healthy living is a life full of opportunity. Don't look at the obstacles and think about how many there are or how difficult you think they may be. Look at a healthy life and believe how great it is, and take action to move in that direction.

Don't accept FAT as a word that would describe you for another day!

Fast food, fast way to ruin your diet and get Obese really fast!

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a research group that advocates good nutrition, highlighted menu items from popular chain restaurants that in some cases have as many calories in just one plateful as some people should eat in an entire day.

Image: Colossal Burger

The examples included Ruby Tuesday’s Colossal Burger, which weighs in at around 1,940 calories and includes 141 grams of fat. That doesn't even include the fries on the side. Another entree from Ruby Tuesday, the Fresh Chicken and Broccoli Pasta, has 2,060 calories and 128 grams of fat, thanks in part to a parmesan cream sauce and layer of melted cheese.

Other chains are serving up serious splurges as well. On The Border’s Double-Stacked Club Quesadilla has 1,860 calories and 52 grams of saturated fat, the study said.

read the entire article:

OK, the meals are these restaurants are obviously out of control but unless they disclose their offering's nutritional content ON the menu, most people aren't going to realize just how unhealthy and high calorie they are!

But, it isn't just these mentioned foods that are causing the Obesity Pandemic, there are more! Today, Krispy Kreme attempted to make a really big deal out of their new "whole wheat" donut that debuted today. Well, it's no big deal! A regular donut has 200 calories, this new "healthier" option is still 180 calories and I am sure 1/2 of the calories are from fat, it isn't like they are frying it in anything different from the white flour donut!

Products that are blantanly unhealthy are being marketed to us in huge portions and equally as unhealthy products are attempting to seperate themselves from the junk food pack and declare themselves as "made with Whole Wheat" in an attempt to appear like a health food.

Don't buy it and don't buy them! Make "Caveat Emptor" your motto when shopping for food, eating out or considering where to go for dinner this weekend! It means "buyer beware"!