Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Flavor Point Diet; by Dr. David L. Katz--Oprah's Dr!

I love Dr. David L. Katz. He was the first person in the weight loss industry to call me a "peer" and for that, he will always hold a special place in my heart, because HE is the best of the best and to be considered by him as a peer, is an honor in deed.

He has a new book out, The Flavor Point Diet , it is great and this article discusses it in detail

It is based on the principle that if you limit or control the flavors that your brain is exposed to, you will thus control your hunger. Makes sense to me! It goes along with Vice Busting that if you "LOVE" chocolate and taste it, you are going to want more of it, so if you just don't expose your brain to it, by BUSTING it, you won't crave it. To me a craving is simply your body/brain crying out for that which YOU have gotten used to having! ...So, get "un-used" to it!

Learn what Dr. Katz has to say about The Vice Busting Diet by visiting

Dr. Katz is also currently conducting a study at Yale's Medical School--Department of Preventative Medicine on the effects of Juice Plus. He has spoken at various Juice Plus functions and is one of the big reasons that I am promoting the benefits of Juice Plus. Another doctor who's opinion I greatly respect had this to say about Juice Plus: "If you can't, won't or don't eat 7-13 servings of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables a day, take Juice Plus!" Watch this to see fo yourself: Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld on Fox

I recommend the Garden & Orchard capsules--you take them every day, 2 pills in the AM, 2 in the PM and I also have the Complete protein shake every morning as my breakfast. Since starting on this regime 5 months ago, I am down 10 pounds without having changed ANYTHING else!

Learn more, visit Take charge of YOUR health for the rest of and BEST of your life!


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