Monday, June 05, 2006

Are Soft Drinks Causing Cancer?

Are Soft Drinks Causing Cancer? - Dr.J. Patrick Havey

The correlation may not be proven but the headline should grab your attention because the possibilities are real. A new report about the quantity of BENZENE in soft drinks claims that the levels are low enough not to be of concer. First, what is benzene? Here it is defined ... straight from OSHA's website --

Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that is produced by the burning of natural products. It is a component of products derived from coal and petroleum and is found in gasoline and other fuels. Benzene is used in the manufacture of plastics, detergents, pesticides, and other chemicals. Research has shown benzene to be a carcinogen (cancer-causing). With exposures from less than five years to more than 30 years, individuals have developed, and died from, leukemia. Long-term exposure may affect bone marrow and blood production. Short-term exposure to high levels of benzene can cause drowsiness, dizziness, unconsciousness, and death.

Now Benzene has also been shown to be the by-product of Food Additives plus Vitamin C. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set the maximum levels allowed in drinking water at 10 parts per billion. A report out of Australia (by the government) says that their soft drinks are below that level. More about that report here:

Dr. Kate Hughes who is quoted in the above referenced article points out that "it is significant that the presence of benzene is an unanticipated reaction between a food additive and vitamin C." Did you get that UNanticipated! So you have to ask yourself what other possible chemicals are present as a result of an unanticipated by-product from the addition of certain chemicals to our foods?

The point to keep in mind here is that benzene is a carcinogen, that is a cancer-causing chemical. Do you want to take a risk of consuming a product - soft drinks are reference here, so we'll stick to this one in particular - that has a loaded amount of unhealthy calories and could be cancer-causing? I hope not.

One source (here) puts Benzene in the top ten of hazardous chemicals. Now you have another reason to avoid soft drinks. Learn more about Benzene and how to avoid it HERE.

Add more fruit and vegetable nutrition to your diet to help fight the toxins that you are exposed to everyday. Learn more here:

Lose weight the healthy way:

Sing like an American Idol--Guzzle Coke!

Coca Cola is running ads on American Idol, telling the millions of viewers to "DRINK COKE, earn rewards and enjoy the rewards" (NOT DIET COKE, NOT DANSAI WATER--but COKE). They show prizes the people can win, they show the dream life that someone can have, even "record like an Idol" is one of the rewards--WHO wouldn't want to aspire to THAT?

"DRINK, CHOOSE, LIVE" is their slogan.
The dream.....the American dream of success!

Only ONE tiny problem. It takes 41600 points to win the "sing like an idol" prize. So, the consumer will go out in droves and they will buy Coke.(on the site, you learn diet coke applies but on the ADS--ONLY coke is shown). They drink the COKE--afterall, it doesn't say BUY, POUR OUT and WIN--you are to DRINK, CHOOSE and LIVE!

They earn rewards/prizes and modest ones at that, only after theoretically CONSUMING and redeeming:

Codes from 20oz, 1 liter, 1.5 liter, 2 liter and 3 liter sizes of participating Coca-Cola products. = 3 points

Codes from 12 pack of 12oz cans (fridge pack) of participating Coca-Cola products. = 10 points

Let's do some math folks:

To "sing like an Idol" it will take 4160 12 packs of COKE at 10 points each, or 6,938,880 calories, which would only pack 1982.5 pounds on a human body at the rate of 3,500 calories per pound. Why, my goodness, that's just 17.5 pounds shy of a TON of fun! 1 short ton = 2000 pounds!

BUT, not to worry! The American Beverage Association says very clearly that drinking ANY beverage is good, it's fine, and that moderation must rule our actions but that drinking drinks, such as Coke and other sugar-filled beverages are not to blame for Obesity and that drinking just water is not necessary. Sounds great and official, only one problem; they are a fully funded subsidiary of Coca-Cola--how self serving! With a board like this, do you think any other answer would do?

OK, so the good guys running Coke, Pepsi, et al are "voluntarily" taking soft drinks out of schools within the next couple of years, but in the meantime, they are encouraging if not soliciting the consumption of almost 7 MILLION calories so that the consumer can "sing like an Idol". Yes, they will sing like an Idol, but it will be Obese Ruben and Obese Mandissa who was decried by Simon Cowell for being Obese and said "we will need a bigger stage". We will need a bigger world thanks to Coke's campaign, more just more coffins.

I think this is one competition of which I would like to be voted off!

Oh yeah, the fine print, just in case someone is going to try to drink 4160 12 packs to redeem enough points to actually get to "sing like an Idol", they had better get sipping because the contest ends December 31, 2006, so that leaves 151 days, so they will need to drink 27 - 12 packs a day by then! Good luck, you're gonna need it!

I am actually crying as I type this note to you. I am so upset about this I can't stand it. HOW am I, one person going to fight and WIN this battle? I am up against Coca-Cola and their millions of dollars in marketing dollars.

They are telling you to drink COKE and LIVE, when I know anyone drinking COKE and especially enough of it to "sing like an Idol" is likely to join the ranks of the 2.6 million people who died prematurely last year due to Obesity and Overweight complications.

Choose wisely. You can drink sugar-filled beverages and HOPE to acquire enough reward points to get something really great, or you can change your lifestyle, get healthy and ensure that your LIFE will be really great! I will do all that I can to help you to that end.

I hope this brings you empowerment!

Carpe Diet!
a VERY frustrated Julia--aka David, fighting Goliath, aka Coca-Cola!

Food at Work

Ok, this has to the absolute WORST story that I have ever heard about food in the workplace!

One of my clients and I were speaking on the phone today and she was telling me about her challenges in the workplace in regards to food. She is a nurse.

I have learned that nursing is a career filled with food/weight issues. It was surprising to me at first to learn this because I assumed that those giving of themselves to care for the health of others would take their own health needs very seriously. The opposite sadly is often the case.

There are indeed good reasons--stress, long hours, many hours without even a bathroom break (that would make drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day a real challenge!), the emotional toll from watching someone whom you are caring for die, and on and on. But, the worst challenge appears to be the "treats" brought to thank the nurses--by patients, doctors, administrators and other nurses.

There's a constant plethera of food in the nurses station or break room!

Another nurse (who ironically treats Eating Disorder patients) was telling me that last week, for nurse appreciation week, the hospital sent them TONS of food everyday, and nothing healthy was to be found--M&M's, donuts, cookies, cakes, pies, soda, brownies,etc.

But as bad as that might sound, because after all, we can rationize it and say the hospital administration was trying, they were at least acknowledging the good work they do (but hey, think FLOWERS or a bonus check NEXT year Mr. Hospital Administrator!)--I can't think of a worse, and this one is self-inflicted, "celebration" than this one..... (drum roll, please...)are you sufficiently teased yet?

Ok, it's really really bad...

This celebration of gluttonous excess is...

"Thunder Thigh Thursday"

Yes, you read it right.

AND it is actually arranged by and for the nurses! They set out to bring as much "bad" junk as possible and hold a gluttonious (new word?!) fest!

My clients are fighting an uphill battle! They can hold out, they can stick to their healthy resolves but geez; does it really have to be this crazy?

+ +=

The first client is recently back to work in the hospital setting after spending nearly 15 years teaching Lamaze. Now she is on a maternity ward that delivers more babies than just about any hospital in the nation. She is busy the entire time that she is at work. I have her bringing a cut up protein bar in a baggie so that she can grab a quick HEALTHY bite on the run. She has lost weight since starting this new job, but it hasn't been easy.

Her boss finally gets it and doesn't offer her the treats anymore, but she feels very lonely in her desire to be healthy in the midst of so much food. I know she isn't alone. I have more nurses as readers than perhaps any other career. Here is an article about me in NurseWeek:

Despite our job, our workplace challenges or the temptations around us, we all can band together and declare a "Fit Body Friday!" Next time it's your turn to bring a treat, cut up fresh fruit to work with you and see if you can start a new trend! And, in your next evaluation--tell you boss a thank you that would really mean something to you is CASH!--not trash!

I told my nurse to think of it this way--if someone's idea of thanking you is to bring you junk, they can't really think that highly of your work. If you hold yourself higher than that, and decline the gesture, explain WHY and hold out for something more meaningful--you just may get it!

However, if you say thanks, and open the M&M's and eat them, gain weight and then bash yourself for it later...who feels appreciated? you? your boss? or the guy making M&M's. It's war folks. Obesity kills and unhealthy food fests are the bullets. We must win the war and that means you have to fight.

If you desire to see change in the world, you must first BE the change!--Ghandi

First they will laugh at you,
Then they will ignore you,
Then they will fight you,
Then YOU will win!--

If your boss gives you donuts, throw them at him!--Julia


Caffeine - Another Unhealthy Vice?

Caffeine is often overlooked as a 'vice' only because of it's popularity. Whenever the majority of the population consumes something in such quantities as coffee is (certainly soft drinks can be lumped in there too!), then we all dismiss it as being 'ok'. But the reality is that too much caffeine is counter productive to our health in many ways. How efficiently our brains and/or bodies complete tasks is affected by our caffeine consumption. One very important point to note is that caffeine consumption by teenagers has grown at a very strong rate over the past few years, thanks in part to the plethora of ways a latte is offered. From frappucinos to machiatos, there are enough choices to satisfy even the pickiest of consumers.

Caffeine, however, can be of benefit in small to moderate quantities especially prior to exercise. For an average sized male, consuming just a little - 12 ounces or less (regular, not espresso!) - before exercising, can increase performance. (I guess we could then call it a "performance enhancing drug" and get it banned from professional sports!)

But the bottom line is this: too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing. Development issues arise when teens start consuming too much of..... well, anything except water (or natural juice from fruits and veggies). And the symptoms of withdrawal are plentiful. So if you've got a three Venti Latte habit a day and you decide you're going to cut down, do so slowly so to spare the rest of us with your complaints of headaches, crankiness, tiredness, sluggishness, and irritability. If you want the best stimulant in your life, go with excercise. Only positive side-effects!

Reference for this Blog: GO HERE

Carpe Diet!

Lose weight:
Healthy supplement: Learn more...

First Symptom of a Tumor - Constipation

If you are feeling well, relatively speaking - who couldn't use a little more energy and more "youth" as we get older - you don't necessarily have good health. Recently one of the instructors at the gym where we do our exercise class, was absent for a two week span. She was back tonight and we come to find out that she had benign tumor the size of a softball. This isn't the kind of thing that happens overnight. As you may know, a growth that size can take several years, sometimes 20 or more. This is a very trim, very fit woman who (I'm guessing) is in her 40's. What was her first symptom? Constapation. After an MRI, it was confirmed that she had this softball size mass that needed to be removed. Five days later she had the surgery. Two weeks later she is back teaching the BodyPump class although she can't perform the exercises yet. (NOTE: If you have constipation, it doesn't necessarily be an indication of a tumor).

Two things to note here. The first is that there aren't many ways to measure good health. But the best way you can measure your own potential for good health is by YOUR ACTIONS. What does that mean? Well, if you are drinking plenty of water everyday, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and getting regular exercise then you are giving yourself the best chance for optimal health and the greatest amount of longevity that your body will allow. Sure there are going to be certain influences that you have to do your best to 'manage', but the choices you can make that are under your control are the three mentioned. If you decide to drink soft drinks and eat fast food and avoid exercise and smoke, then what could be a benign tumor because of a mutated gene that has grown out of control may just be malignant (life-threatening) one.

The second point to note is the healing and recovery time. Although there are factors that are not completely under our control - mainly the different ways toxins enter our body from the air, water, certain foods, stress, etc., it is safe to say that if any one of us comes down with a sickness, condition, ailment, tumor, cyst, or disease, the chance for healing will be much greater, the time to heal will be much less, and the chances of surviving will be much higher if we are practicing good health every day... every day. Not just once a week or once per day, but as often as practical. And if you're not able to take healthy actions everyday, then work up to it.

Start with one healthy change today and make a habit of it. This is how the LifeChanger Weight Loss Program works, and that's how you should do it. Make a transition to a healthy lifestyle one step at a time so you can continue to live healthy for the rest of your life. The second step you can take is to add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet intake. Aside from trying to eat 9-13 servings per day, we also use a nutritional supplement called Juice Plus. You can learn more about that here and decide for yourself. We no longer take any other daily supplements and have been feeling great as a result. Number three is exercise. There are thousands of ways to exercise. We love BodyPump which is an aerobic/anaerobic workout - which means you get muscle tone and work your heart and lungs. We love it! We also have an Elliptical Machine in our home which we love to because it keeps the stress off the joints, but still provides a good cardio workout with some muscle strengthening in the arms and legs. The one we have is from Octane Fitness.

Don't take your health for granted. Remember, symptoms are the last SIGN of a problem. Take action today!

Lose weight:
Fruit and veggie supplement:
Exercise equipment:

Carpe Diet!
Julia and Dr. J. Patrick Havey

Don't be Fooled by This Diet Pill Maker

The company Basic Research out of Utah is being fined because of deceptive claims. Why? The bottom line is because you just can't take any pill or consumable and except that you will lose lots of weight and look like a million bucks without doing anything else! Story here:

Bottom line: you aren't going to reach your weight loss and fitness goals by popping a pill. It requires simple lifestyle changes (not typical "diets"!), and doing it one step at a time.

I am biased, but I invite you to try my Program:

You need to supplement your diet if you're not eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Do it and help prevent sickness. Learn more:

Carpe Diet!