I was at a women's event over the weekend, about 4000 women were there and I think I literally spoke to 1000 of them personally. It was exhausting, but enlightening.
Here's what I came away with: I was there promoting the Vice Busting way of life--getting rid of YOUR worst habits and replacing them with heatlhier options.---nothing terribly structured or severe, but moderate change over time.Just about EVERY woman asked "What food will I eat?", "What is the plan to follow", What foods are included?"Such obsession with food!I realize that our natural weight loss induced tendency is to react by going "on" a diet, but in all honesty, where has that gotten you in the past?I see it here at eDiets.com daily.
Women are choosing a particular eating plan but have difficulty following it to the letter because perhaps on a given day they don't "feel" like eating something that is on the menu, or they keep getting knocked off track of their diet by the few "vice foods" that they struggle with.I KNOW this to be true. A survey conducted by eDiets.com shows that 85% admit to having "food vices" (those things which you "crave" or "love" and can't seem to go without for too long while dieting), 38% confessed to breaking their diets DAILY to consume their vice foods and 31% break their diets WEEKLY to consume these vice foods. So, we KNOW that 71% of "dieters" are MORE challenged by what NOT to be eating than by what TO eat--YET, virtually every woman I spoke with asked me "what I will I eat".
There are many excellent diet options to choose from here at eDiets, I don't care which one you decide is right for you--it should be one that meets your financial and time constraints and is in line with your basic tastes and likes, but what concerns me (and should concern you, too!) is what you are consuming on a regular basis, in enough quantity that you KNOW contributes largely to your excess weight! Everyone is seemingly so concerned with "what food their diet will allow them to eat" but they don't seem to be nearly as concerned with what they have been eating consistently enough up to this point that got them overweight in the first place?Do you see my point?
I want someone to show just as much concern over what they are consuming on their OWN time as they have over what their "diet" is going to have them consume!It is almost as though "here is how I live regularly and I am happy with it and don't plan on changing it, other than while I am "dieting" so, tell me what I am going to have to eat, so that I can get done with it, lose the weight and get "back" to living (eating) how I want".

Well folks, that just isn't going to work well at all!IF you are one of the extremely disciplined people who can 100% alter their usual habits and stick 100% to a prescribed method of eating (a diet plan) and lose all of your weight, but then you simply revert back to your old habits and eat what is "normal", you are doomed to yo-yo up and down more often than a roller coaster in peak season at the amusement park!For today, I would like for you to ask "What food SHOULDN'T I be eating that I often do?" rather than ask "what foods should I be eating".One is a position of power, of strength of taking control over YOUR destiny, the other is asking the herder which corral to point you in the direction of.Want to be the sheep or be the shepard?It's YOUR future and don't YOU know best what needs a bit of change?
One seems so helpless to me "what foods will I eat, tell me what to do and I will do it"--and you and I both know that dieting sheep often go astray!!!! or the other stance is srong and has such an empowered attitude of "here is ONE thing that is wrong with my lifestyle and I am going to take charge TODAY and change!"Yes, attitude IS everything. Be strong and lead yourself to the promised land of health!
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