The entire world has gone diet crazy! It is official. This just in from yet another study from the Institute for the Lack of Common Sense: Study casts doubt on the South Beach Diet craze! Well, DUH! We live in a day where more people know about The Simpsons than our Constitution and we need yet another study, costing likely millions of dollars, to tell us that the South Beach Diet may not be all it is touted to be?! Knock me over with a feather!
OK folks, I am going to spell this out for you as clearly as I can--the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat less food than you burn off in expended energy--it takes drinking water, eating a balanced diet of normal healthy foods, a positive attitude and exercise!

I was going to be attending a conference with Dr. South Beach, I thought hey--he has the #1 "diet" book, I have the #1 motivational program--we could team up and solve obesity!" Well, I went to the store to buy his book, I looked at DAY ONE and put the book back. ME, after losing 130 pounds, knew that there was NO WAY in the world that I could stick to DAY ONE of his diet, NOR do I think that the overweight person NEEDS to be told they can/should have creme brulee for dessert--learning to live without dessert would do more to effectively change their lives for ever!
Here is your choice today folks--go out to the book store and buy the latest fad diet book, or buy LifeChanger and actually change your life! Do it now, or do it later, eventually if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you will do it MY way!
These folks stopped doing the same thing (i.e. "fad dieting") and started doing it MY way:
"Julia, I just left my doctors office. It was the first time I have been weighed in a while. The last time I weighed myself I had lost 12 lbs. I am only at a total of 14 lbs now. I am not losing nearly as quickly as I had hoped but I am continuing to go in the right direction. I must be losing inches. I have had 2 people in the past week tell me I need to go shopping... my pants are getting huge! A few of the girls there were asking me how I have lost weight. I told them about your program. I have them your website address. Hopefully you will hear from them. Lisa"
"Hello, I don't know how to ask you this - but I have to. I am speaking tonight at a weight loss challenge in Toledo. There are going to be about 50 people there. I was asked because I am more than 1/2 way to my goal, and I have lost 45 pounds because of you! One of the points I wanted to mention was your LifeChanger program, and your book. And how your success has inspired me to continue on my fitness journey. So my question to you is this...Can I mention you, your book, and Lifechanger series tonight? Thank You, Gina"
Are YOU next?
Carpe Diet!Julia
Carpe Diet!Julia
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