Monday, February 26, 2007

Is the Price Right!?

I am in a hotel and The Price is Right is on in the background. The Price is Right...or is it?

What price are we willing to pay to "eat the foods we LOVE?"

Yesterday I visited a beloved extended family member in the hospital, he is just coming to after ONE month post surgery. He had many complications and was sedated for many weeks.

I have to think the reason for his complications stem from his excess weight, at least 100 lbs of excess weight.

Today I met someone who had bypass surgery and lost 50 pounds AFTER having it, saying that he didn't want to let the weight kill him after getting a second chance w/ successful heart surgery.

The taste of a piece of chocolate, bite of cheesecake, a scoop of ice cream may seemingly taste SOOOO good when you eat it, but what about AFTER?

Rarely do I met a person who doesn't regret having 'given in', eaten something they knew they shouldn't have or binged. But, we usually deal with it AFTER the fact--by dieting and trying to repair the damage done.

Not to be the bearer of a gloom and doom message but we have to start thinking about what the bite here, taste there and "just one" is doing to the INSIDE of our bodies, more than the dismay later over the effects it leaves on the outside.

300,000 people died last year directly related to being overweight/obese and another 2.6 million people lost their lives prematurely indirectly due to their obesity/overweight issues.

We can and MUST do better!

What do you consume on a regular basis that you KNOW you shouldn't?

That is your "vice" and you need to bust it!

We can live long, healthy and fulfilling lives without soft drinks, without fast foods and by moving our bodies!

I watch American Idol last night and they airred a Coca-Cola ad that said for every bottle opened, 12,000 bubbles were born. How touching.

For every bottle opened per day, 15 pounds a year are GAINED.

Is the price right? Are you willing to pay the price?


If you are interested in my help in losing weight, use the coupon code "sparkpeople" and save $50 off of the $197 price for my 26-week; 50 pounds OFF guaranteed program! What are you weighting for?

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