I really find it hard to believe that Coca-Cola would turn down any attempt to get people to drink more of their sugar-laden "sparkling beverages", but apparently they do have a line in the sand drawn and no one, and I mean NO ONE can cross it!
Coca-Cola execs to Jesus; "DON"T drink COKE! We don't want to look bad!" Ironic isn't it? They don't care if people drink it and they look bad (ie OBESE or OVERWEIGHT) as a result--Coca-Cola just doesn't want to look bad!
An Italian film showing Jesus Christ drinking Coca-Cola sparked such strong protest from the soft-drinks giant that it blocked the film's Easter weekend premiere, the film makers said.
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The film "7 km from Jerusalem" is about an Italian advertising executive who is soul searching after losing his job and marriage. He flies to Jerusalem, where he runs into Jesus.
According to local press reports, he offers the returned Christ a can of Coca-Cola and, seeing Jesus drinking the beverage, thinks: "What a testimonial!"
Apparently Coca-Cola disagreed.
"The multinational's Italian unit sent a legal letter forcing the elimination of the scene in which Jesus drinks the well-known beverage," the producers said on the film's Web site.
Italian media reported that the company felt that the use of its brand was unacceptable and could get the company a bad image.
I find it amazing that Coca-Cola is more concerned with the image that they would get having Jesus drinking Coke, or rather an ACTOR in a FILM portraying JESUS; than they have with the FACT that any REAL person actually drinking Coke has a REAL chance of becoming MORBIDLY OBESE and dying a premature death!
Coca-Cola's marketing tactics blank the most popular TV program in the World, American Idol; the couch has Coca-Cola's logos all over it, the judges cups have Coca-Cola on them, the TV screen has Coca-Cola in the lower left of the show. Coca-Cola has absolutely NO ethic problem marketing and selling Coke to anyone in the world; that is with the exception of Jesus Christ.
So, Mr Isdell, can Jesus (or the actor playing him in a movie) drink Diet Coke? Dansani water? or would you prefer that the movie has their actor drink a Pepsi. It's just the rest of use that you want to consume your product?
Approved Coke drinkers:
Banned Coke drinkers:

What would Jesus do? Basically, if it he shouldn't drink it, we probably shouldn't either. For ONCE, I actually agree with Coca-Cola; don't drink it!
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