Friday, March 28, 2008

A Partner Can Help, or Hurt Your Weight Loss Plan

You know when you start a diet, you may have told your family and friends only to hear comments like 'that's great', or 'oh really, which one?'. Often times, when family members hear about your diet plans, you are met with the same interest or support, especially if you're the on-again off-again type of dieter who falls prey to the fad diet of the month (lately it's been of the year).

However, if you can get the support of your family by getting them involved in a healthy lifestyle, as opposed to a diet, then your focus becomes more on living healthy together rather than you losing weight. Weight loss is the by-product of healthy actions and should not be the focus of them. When you put your focus on weight loss, you are not seeing what's most important about living at a healthy weight. And that is, health. If you focus on living healthy, your body will respond and reward you with weight loss and improved fitness. Everytime you select a food or beverage to put in your body, do it with the intention of giving your body what it needs, as opposed to feeding your mind what it wants.

You need nutrients from fruits and vegetables and whole grains and plenty of water, although you may be accustomed to and desire (want) chocolate, cake, cookies, ice cream, potato chips, fast food - addicitve foods no doubt. When you learn to choose the foods you'll put into your body based on how you want to feel - energetic, clear-headed, focused, light, fit - then eventually you will make the healthy choice, and it will become second nature. Here's more about how partners can help or hurt your weight loss effort --

For people trying to make a change in their diet, significant others generally play a positive and supportive role, but sometimes respond in negative ways, according to a study in the March/April Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Weight loss

starts with a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables. Exercise is also an important if you want to get fit for the long haul. When you are at a healthy weight, your life may be a lot better - you can experience more things, have more energy, go to the doctor less, make more money, and even be happier. There are many benefits to getting to a healthy weight, but it all starts with the right weight loss plan. A cup of other vitamins and a tablespoon of apples, all for health. When you start with a diet from a fruit or vegetable, and then you add plenty of other healthy actions, you improve your overall health. If you delay your efforst for a life that includes more fitness and happiness, you may find that you cut your longevity short. But when you delve into a health - like our

weight loss plan

that is a doctor approved diet plan, this is a healthy choice. A diet and weight loss plan that is endorsed by healthy dieters around the world, you can always lose weight, but are you doing it the healthy way? Oprah's Dr. Mehmet Oz knows that a diet is temporary but a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet plan in place is for good. A Medifast diet with plenty of nutrients makes your diet plan much easier. When I can't have those healthy and fresh products, I know that I am not going to do my body much good. Because a diet that doesn't include a good balance of the right nutrition will leave me short of my weight loss goals. If you look for other products or pills for losing pounds - don't be confused by all the otherweight loss plans like Medifast that many people are familiar with. Now we also recommend if you are having trouble getting your diet plan situated, and you need some structure provided by someone else, then you consider using Medifast for your meals and snacks. It is a healthy alternative meal plan, although we don't necessarily recommend that you count on making it a permanent fixture in your life. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a necessary part of a healthy diet and that's what will support your health, and that you won't get from Medifast diet. That is also why we recommend other products to support your diet plan.

Led by Judy Paisley, Ph.D., R.D., of Ryerson University, Toronto, the researchers looked at how significant others responded when their partners attempted to make a dietary change for health reasons. "For most pairs, the significant others' emotional and behavioral responses to the dietary change appeared to reflect the general dynamics of the relationship," says Dr. Paisley. read more from Science Daily...

Comment: Weight loss is not easy. That's why you are better off in the long run to focus on healthy living.

The Health & Wellness Institute, DC PC
Note: If you are interested in a meal plan to assist with your weight loss, Medifast provides a diet that makes it easy to plan the foods and meals you will eat. Click here - Medifast - to try the Medifast diet meal plan to help you get started losing weight. Medifast is physician-developed.

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