Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hot diet book "The Vice Busting Diet" reaches best seller list!

(from the LA Times)

"When eDiets Master Motivator Julia Griggs Havey says that giving up just one bad eating habit can help you change your life forever, she is speaking from experience. Unlike many of weight-loss advisors out there who can do little more than talk the talk, Julia has personally completed the journey from being overweight to looking great… one small step at a time.

    Get a copy of Julia's newest book for FREE copy, go to and get Julia's entire 26-week motivational program for your FREE copy.

Loyal eDiets readers already know how this popular columnist and best-selling author made the remarkable transformation from being morbidly obese to winning the crown at the 1999 Mrs. Missouri pageant. Julia lost more than 130 pounds, and perhaps more importantly, she has managed to keep that extra weight off for more than 10 years now. Before writing her own success story though, Julia took a detour and tried just about every fad diet and weight-loss gimmick available.

The Vice Busting Diet

“I think that what happened to me is what is happening to the whole country,” Julia tells eDiets. “We’re dieting ourselves into a state of obesity.”

As a member of the eDiets team of experts, Julia regularly bares her soul to our members in hopes that they won’t make the same mistakes she did. After years of helping other people lose weight, Julia has come to the conclusion that the answer to the obesity problem in the United States lies with each of us overcoming our diet vices.

“It is important to eliminate the foods that control us,” Julia says. “I spent 15 years dieting, and all the foods I shouldn't have been eating were still out there tempting me.”

According to Julia’s definition, a diet vice is any habitual action that is keeping you from reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. For example, if you eat a dozen chocolate-chip cookies every day at noon, Julia says you can rest assured that cookies are one of your major diet vices. Though she struggled with many different diet vices though the years, eating ice cream was the most difficult one for Julia to overcome.

In fact, at one time in her life, she admits to polishing off as much as a half gallon of ice cream every single night. Julia finally gave up eating ice cream completely and found other ways to reward herself, such as getting a manicure. Now that she has made it her mission in life to help other people achieve a healthier lifestyle, Julia encourages everyone to take control of their food choices.

"We need to bust our vices," says Julia. "It is important to eliminate the foods that control us."

To help you break your worst food habits, Julia’s newest book The Vice-Busting Diet provides a 12-week approach to help you change the way you eat. Julia doesn’t subscribe to the long-held belief in the diet industry that you can eat the foods you love and still lose weight. She says it is often easier to abstain than to beat your head against the wall trying to eat your favorite foods in moderation. After all, Julia reasons that if most people could eat the things they love in moderation, we wouldn’t have a pandemic of obesity.

    “Deprivation is not living without certain foods but living with them and being deprived of your true health and happiness,” Julia says.

    In an eDiets survey, 91 percent of the respondents admitted to having one or more diet vices. Julia says chips, candy, soft drinks, pizza and ice cream were identified as the most common ones. More than 70 percent of the respondents with a food vice admitted their dieting efforts were knocked off track either daily or weekly due to cravings for these foods.

    "People turn to food when they are depressed," Julia says. "And, some people eat because they are feeling lonely. The problem is that the minute you have finished that last bit of Twinkie, you are still lonely. However, now you are also angry with yourself."

    Now, in this eDiets exclusive, Julia reveals the three most common diet vices:

    Can the Soft Drinks:

    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, carbonated soft drinks are “the biggest source of refined sugars in the American diet.” In fact, The National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) reports that the average American consumes more than 53 gallons of soft drinks every year.

    “Most people don’t believe that soft drinks could possibly be the reason they are overweight,” Julia says. “Especially when beautiful people like Britney Spears appear on soda ads.”

    Slow Down on Fast Food:

    According to statistics from the U.S. Foodservice Industry, there are at least a quarter of a million fast-food restaurants in this great nation of ours. And more of them are being built all the time. In fact, the number of fast-food restaurants in this country more than doubled between the years 1972 and 1995.

    “I was completely hooked on fast food,” Julia admits. “It kept the kids happy, but it was just a snack for me. Then I would go home and eat another meal.”

    Step Away From the Television:

    According to the latest research, the average American watches at least four hours of television every day. Though TV definitely has its place, Julia says sitting in front of the boob tube shouldn’t take up more than a quarter of our waking hours.

    “I was completely hooked on television,” Julia says. “I used to live to see the Emmy Awards and the movies of the week. Now, I don’t allow myself to watch television unless I have done my exercise for the day.”

    Julia invites anyone who is currently struggling to take off extra weight or rebuild self-esteem to email her. She says the average person who visits her website has spent at least 20 years dieting.

    "The reason that past weight loss attempts may not have worked is that you probably tried to do too much too fast,” Julia says. “Slow and gradual changes lead to huge weight loss over time. Most popular diets are the hare, but my approach is the tortoise. Just remember who wins the race in the end.”

    To order your copy of Julia’s newest book and start the race for yourself, click here.

    For a FREE copy, go to and get Julia's entire 26-week motivational program.

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