Monday, December 18, 2006

Lose 5 Pounds by the New Year!

Is is possible that before January 1st you could lose 5 pounds? Yes it is. Is it statistically a good bet that most people will? No it isn't. Most will gain 5 pounds. So if you could realistically lose 5 pounds in the midst of all the Holiday festivities, deserts, and available treats, would that get you excited? I hope so.

So here's what you're going to do over the course of the next two weeks that will practically guarantee that you lose weight... or, at minimum, gain nothing. Each morning over the course of the next two weeks, I recommend that you eat the following for breakfast. This is all you are going to change so you won't feel overwhelmed and you won't have to put much effort into it. This is the recipe I recommend:

What you'll need to pick up from any major supermarket:

1. Quaker Oats - (plain, the large oats, not the small)
2. Wheat Germ - (should be in the cereal isle with the oats, it comes in a jar; we use Mother's)
3. Milled Flaxseed - (get milled not whole; Bob's is a good brand, others are ok, too)
4. Soy Milk - (plain, non-fat)
5. Cinnamon - spice.
6. Honey

Pour a cup and a half or so of your soy milk into a medium sauce pan with heat on medium high. Once it is hot (about 2 minutes) slowly add oats until mixture is even but not too viscous. Sprinkle in Cinnamon and stir occassionally for about 3 - 4 minutes. Pour into your serving bowl. Add a good tablespoon heaping of your flaxseed and a tablespoon of wheat germ and stir into your oatmeal. Add just a little honey to taste (not more than a teaspoon or 2).

Have this for breakfast each morning for the next two weeks and you will feel fantastic come the New Year! ... and maybe just a little lighter than you are now! Be sure to drink at least 12 ounces of water with it as well, and a banana is ok, too! This makes for a great cholesterol-lowering diet also!

Happy Holidays!
Carpe Diet!

Lose weight, live healthy:
Nutrients from fruits and vegetables

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