Sunday, December 10, 2006

What's YOUR excuse?

"For every difficulty that supposedly stops a person from succeeding there are thousands who have had it a lot worse and have succeeded anyway. So can you."
--- Brian Tracy ---

I really like that quote! I have gotten thousands of emails from people telling me the difficulties they face on their road to self-improvement. I have always responded that difficulties do exsist, but that they do not make the desired results impossible, only more challenging!

In trying to rationalize unhealthy choices many people will use excuses or situations such as:

1. I have a family to cook for, they don't to eat healthy foods.

2. Healthy food is too expensive.

3. I don't like water.

4. I hate exercise.

5. Eating is my companion, my friend.

6. My whole family is fat, I am genetically disposed to this weight.

7. I have tried dieting, it doesn't work.

8. I can't stay motivated for longer than a week.

9. I think my spouse should accept me the way I am.

or, they may use the following reasons for wanting to change:

1. I want to weigh 125, or I want to lose 43 pounds.
2. I want to lose weight for my upcoming wedding, reception, daughter's wedding.
3. My spouse wants me to lose weight.
4. I want to find a partner.

Well, I don't like any of them! So, if any of these could be your words....toss them out and read on!

1. Your family needs to eat the same healthy foods as you do, regardless of their weight!
2. Health complications brought on by obesity are more expensive! Just ask the government about the 45 Billion spent annually because of our excess weight!
3. Then you don't like yourself, your body is made up mostly of water and it needs water to function properly--not soft drinks!!
4. Try living in a body that WON'T move as you want it to! Why not try thinking of exercise as a thing that you are lucky enough to be able to do! It WILL do your body good!
5. Nope. It never has been and never will be your friend. It is is fuel. Get a dog or cat if you are lonely....but not something that is harmful to your health and hindering to your realizing your dreams and goals!
6. What does your whole family eat? What exercise does your whole family do? I suspect there is a lot more going into your jeans than your genes!
7. You need to try healthy living this time! Try changing your life, it works!
8. It is hard to be motivated when you are changing too much, too soon. Try ONE step at a time, one change at a time! Each permanent change that you make empowers you to make the next one!
9. Do YOU accept your body the way it is? It is hypocyrtical if YOU aren't happy with the appearance of your body, but expect someone else to take it or leave it. Maybe, just maybe they love you so much that they want to grow old with you and know that being overweight is shaving years off of your romance?! Give them, and yourself a break!

and finally,

1. The scale isn't the healthy improvement not scale validation!

2.Wrong! If you lose weight only for an event...then what?! Can you say "Yo-Yo"?! NO more of that thinking! Seek health improvement, not short term fixes!

3. That is just another way of saying "I love you", "I want to grow old with you" and I want to find you as sexy and desireable outside as I know you are inside!

4. Find yourself first!

Get your started on your lifechanging journey today....and this time next year....YOU will have much to be thankful for when you gather with family to reflect on what you should give thanks for!

Are we clear?! Good! Now, get busy DOING!


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