Sunday, November 26, 2006

American Diabetes Association trouble

Does the ADA - American Diabetes Association - need to reconsider their position with the largest promoter of diabetes-causing products (Coca-Cola)? The New York Times has a very interesting article about the ADA and its reconsideration of continued sponsorship associations with companies that promote supposedly "healthful eating" products. Please click here to read the four page article.

You can also read more here on this BLOG.

Know the truth before you even consider having soft drinks. The bottom line is that we don't need foods or drinks with HFCS - high fructose corn syrup. We need to drink more water, we need to eat foods that don't have high amounts of processing or sugar. We need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Diabetes that is genetic is one thing. Diabetes that is caused by lifestyle and diet is more about ignorance. The body was designed to have fruits and vegetables and lean meats and fish.

If you need help with your lifestyle and losing weight, go here:
We also recommend that you supplement your diet with juice nutrients plus because most everyone does not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Learn more...

Live healthy.
Carpe Diet!

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