Sunday, November 26, 2006

STOP! Before you follow Victoria Beckham's diet...

It caught my eye that Victoria Beckham (former Spice Girl "Posh") had been quoted as saying that she survives on Diet Coke and low-calorie snacks and has for years (Read more...). This strikes me as sad because of the image and example that she sets for millions of young girls around the world who would love to look like and I'm sure at one time be like, her. She states that she hasn't even had water in years because she doesn't like the taste. This has got to be one of the unhealthiest recommendations - the truly unhealthiest would be recommending regular Coke and no water - for a person of her celebrity to be doling out to a public that desires her figure. Don't be fooled by the outside appearance when it comes to being healthy.

But it doesn't stop there. This next point really caught my attention. Something I didn't know about one of her children - and why would I except that it she is in the news enough that you can't help but read a story or two about her and her husband. Her 4 year old has been diagnosed with epilepsy. So I did a little research - and I'm not a scientist, and I am empathetic to those with epilepsy and family members who have children with epilepsy - with the thought that maybe the two had something to do with each other (again, before knowing much at all about epilepsy). My first thought when looking into this was "could drinking Diet Coke all the time, when she was pregnant, and not water be a possible cause of the epilepsy?

What I found is that epilepsy doesn't have one exact cause and the diagnosis can be difficult because there are many types of epilepsy. Here is a basic description:

"Epilepsy is a brain disorder. The neurons fire an abnormally high number of times in a short period. Injury to the brain may certainly cause epilepsy. This includes deprivation of oxygen at birth, trauma to the head at any time of life, and stroke or injury to part of the brain caused by blockage or haemorrhage of one of its blood vessels, or improper brain development."

But could it be possible that Diet Coke with the aspartame, phosphoric acid, and other harmful ingredients contribute to the cause of brain problems - starving the brain of oxygen and proper development (during pregnancy)? Doesn't water contain oxygen? Don't soft drinks dehydrate cells? A possible cause, I'm sure. With all of the possible birth defects that are out there...well, I'll stop there.

Before you run out and follow "Posh's" diet, take a second look at the chemicals and/or poisons that are in many of these foods and drinks and look at the consequences that are possible before deciding to consume them.

If we at least cut down on the number of possible preventable causes, we can more clearly identify some real causes - i.e. genetics. Better to get lots of good nutrition and exercise to look and feel great and have a great quality of life, than to starve yourself into an unhealthy slim figure.

Carpe Diet!
More info on Epilepsy:
Good resource:

Kid's need to add more fruits and vegetables to their diet. And you can make up for what they're missing through supplementation. Learn more...

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