Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chef Jamie Oliver tells it like it is...

British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is telling it like it is when IT comes to the obesity problem - along with poor health - in Britain and the United States. "England's the most unhealthy country in Europe and America is the most unhealthy country in the world," he say. And he is right. If ever we needed more celebrity chefs (i.e. George Stella, who changed his chef ways and lost over 200 lbs) to stand up and tout the unhealthy ways of the world, now couldn't be a better time. Read the full story... Jamie knows how bad the problem is in the U.S. - he comments that he doesn't have the energy to take on the problem here. No kidding.

Let's continue to bring more awareness to the problem in order to spawn new actions from every level - coorporate, government, and individual responsabilities. Turning this ship around is going to require many more hands, but the motions are starting to take place. You can help by making healthy choices.

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