Sunday, November 26, 2006

Urine analysis a test for diet

One of the suggestions that I've had in the past in regards to health insurance was providing discounts or money back to those who are in good health - based on factors like limited doctor visits, blood work that is all within normal range, and even data on frequency of exercise if possible. But now there comes an additional test that may provide doctors - and dare I say insurance companies? - with a gage of the patient's dietary habits and therefore health. A Canadian study finds that a urine test may able to detect a poor diet based on the levels of potassium.

According to the research: "The study found a link between increased levels of potassium in the urine, a healthier diet, and lower weight, blood pressure and heart rate. These findings suggest, for the first time, that the amount of potassium in the urine is a valid, objective indicator of diet quality," researcher Dr. Andrew Mente, of the Prosserman Center for Health Research in Toronto, said in a prepared statement.

I think two things are making their way into our society: 1) greater awareness and therefore more people being proactive about their health; and 2) more accountability by way of new tests that will provide better markers for diet and health. Which means if you don't take responsibility for your health now, you may be forced to later.

Which is why the greatest diet in the world is worth nothing without the inspiration and motivation that we all need to live healthy, happy, and productive lives. You don't need to be told that you need more fruits and vegetables. You probably know that. What you do need - and we all need - is to be inspired to a healthy and fit life!

Find inspiration here:

Carpe Diet!
Here is Healthier Eating 101 and 102 - some good information (but not the inspiration) for a healthy diet:

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