Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fast Food Nation Diet

This week, a must see movie hits the big screen, Fast Food Nation. But the movie only addresses the problem of Fast Food, it does little to address the solution, or atleast a step by step approach to busting fast food from an individual's life.

Why must we bust? Because 2.6 million people died last year because of the illnesses brought on by eating this crap and drinking Coke--along with other equally unhealthy and high calorie vices. And, if we don't do something now to reverse this trend, "this is the FIRST generation NOT expected to outlive their parents"--Harvard, not me.

“We take Joe Camel off the billboard because it is marketing bad products to our children, but Ronald McDonald is considered cute,” says Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale. “How different are they in their impact, in what they’re trying to get kids to do?”

Not much, says Eric Schlosser, author of the 2001 best-selling book Fast Food Nation. His book, for instance, pointed out that nine of every 10 U.S. kids go to McDonald’s at least once per month, and that the hamburger mega-chain is one of the world’s largest toy distributors through its promotional efforts.

To that end, Schlosser used his book’s final chapter to urge consumers and Congress to take action. He called for legislators to more closely regulate how fast food is marketed to kids. But those legislators haven’t done much in the last five years to stop the fast food express, a juggernaut that threatens to help ruin Americans’ health over the next 20 years. One government estimate projects that the number of Americans with diabetes will increase from 21 million to nearly 30 million U.S. adults battling diabetes by 2030. Read more:

However, it isn't going to have ANY immediate impact in the lifes of those afflicted with Obesity to simply write congress--those suffering from Overweight and Obesity related issues MUST take a healthful stand today and BUST their VICES out of their lives permanently in order that they get healthier and lose weight.

The ONLY "diet" book or expert who addresses the Fast Food issue AND offers a realistic, effective and quite easy approach to breaking the habit of eating it is my The Vice Busting Diet!

It has been endorsed by Oprah's Dr. David L. Katz, Dr. Mehmet Oz and may others.

The question would beg to be asked; why haven't we heard more about it? Well, there's a good answer. Who spends the most money adverstising on shows like Today, The View, Oprah? Soft drink companies like Coca-Cola and Fast Food pushers like McDonald's. An exective with CBS told me personally "there is NO way we can book you as a guest; you (rightfully) sued Coca-Cola and go after both them and McDonald's in your book--and you mention TV viewing as the 3rd contributor to the Obesity Pandemic--if we promoted you, they would cut or cancell their advertising AND we would be shooting ourselves in the foot!" That's a real quote folks!

They can run, but they can't hide! Fast Food, Soft Drinks and TV/sendentary lives ARE the 3 biggest contributors to the Obesity Pandemic and we are going to BUST them before they bust us!

Want a FREE copy of The Vice Busting Diet?, you will get a personalized signed copy with your 26-week; 50 pounds OFF guaranteed lifestyle modification program! You will get a workbook, daily emails, daily audios, dozens of lessons and more....all for only $197, that less than $8 a week

Carpe Diet!

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