Sunday, January 21, 2007

14 Million Surveyed About Their Diet Struggles

So, how's your diet working out? Struggling to stay on it one day much less until all your excess weight is off? Don't worry you aren't alone! 14 million people participated in a survey asking "WHY DON'T DIETS WORK?" a few years ago survey results what was found:

America, you give in to your vices very often, and you feel quite guilty about it. That's the clear conclusion from a new survey conducted by,Inc. In fact, a whopping 81% of the respondents confessed to some guilt, particularly about eating what they know they shouldn't eat.

The survey respondents are nothing if not honest. Asked how they try to resist food vices, the largest single group, 44%, agreed with the statement "What's the point-I give in." Consequently, 38% of those surveyed said they give in to their vices every day, while another 33% give in at least once a week. On the bright side, 28% say they engage in hobbies to take their minds off the vice, and 16% work out.

So what's causing such angst? Almost 25% of the respondents confessed to a craving for chocolates/candy, 12% said cookies/cake, 8% said potato chips, 8% said fried foods and 7% said ice cream. Sadly, 21% said they just plain overeat.

"As these numbers make clear, a lot of people are overeating and feeling very guilty about it," said Julia Griggs Havey, master motivator at "I went through all this myself, but I found some helpful ways to cope, including a reward system. The key to successful vice busting, particularly in the areas of overeating and avoiding forbidden foods, is to follow a step-by-step plan that can help you maintain control when temptation strikes. A lot of dieters are looking to bust a diet-related vice, and it's much easier when you get expert advice and support. I offer that necessary support to everyone who uses my program; they can even call me personally during open call hours."

This survey shows that 71% of dieters are cheating/breaking their diets daily/weekly to consume their vice foods. The only program on the market that specifically addresses these vices and allows the person to successfully bust them from their lives is The Vice Busting Diet Audio Program.

This approach has been endorsed by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. David L. Katz and Mark Victor Hansen. It has been the centerpiece of a TimeLife infomercial—I promise that as YOU embark on your 2007 self-improvement resolutions that YOU will realize your long desired results and success with my program! To make sure you get all the tools that you need, with every order of my full 26-week program, I will give you a copy of my new book, The Vice Busting Diet!

Carpe Diet!

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