Sunday, January 07, 2007

Diet Pill claims misleading!? Lifestyle change is the only way to lose weight.

Just in from Washington: The Federal Trade Commission fined the marketers of four weight loss pills $25 million for making false advertising claims ranging from rapid weight loss to reducing the risk of cancer.

FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said the products would remain on store shelves, but that the companies would have to stop making the false claims.

Majoras cautioned the estimated 70 million Americans trying to lose weight not to turn to pills. “You’re not going to find weight loss in a bottle of pills,” she said.

Well, knock me over with a feather!

One of these fined products overed me $25,000 to use my before/after pictures in an ad campaign, even after my informing them that I never used their product and that it hadn't been part of my weight loss. They said "that's ok, we have a disclaimer on all of our ads that says: results not typical!"


Seventy million people are trying to lose weight in our country at any given moment, over 65% are considered overweight and 33% are considered MORBIDLY obese yet despite the 45Billion spent on diet pills, plans, potions and products, American waistlines continue to increase.

Why is that?

(At the summit w/ Dr. Mehmet Oz)

At the ABC News/Time magazine Obesity Summit, many of my collegues argued which diet was the solution to Obesity and weight loss. Dr. Arthur Agatston argued the South Beach Diet was the best, Dr. Dean Ornish argued that vegetarian eating was the best, Dr. David L. Katz argued that sound nutrition was the best and Dr. Traegar argued that the Atkins Diet was the best. They were very heated and passionate about needing to solve the Obesity Pandemic and the ONLY thing they agreed upon was that what is missing from the diet equation is "lasting lifestyle change". Even my beloved eDiets offers 23 different diet to choose from, but any diet will only work if a person sticks with it and their own survey shows that 38% of dieters break their diet DAILY and 33% break their diets weekly to consume their "Vice foods"--so we know without changing one's lifestyle and busting your vices permanently any diet is doomed to fail.

That is what my program offers. Lasting lifestyle change, real result and NO hype! No pills, no false promises and no gimmicks. It isn't sexy. It doesn't offer 20 pounds off in 2 weeks and it doesn't say you can "still eat all the foods you love and lose weight", and it certainly doesn't say 'reverse' your diet by eat spagetti for breakfast and an egg mcmuffin for dinner and lose weight! These are all fads and gimmicks and won't offer lasting change.

If you want lasting change and the truth, there is only one place to get it! . Dr. Mehmet Oz said recently when interviewing me on his Oprah & Friends radio program that "he especially likes the way that I address the emotional aspect of the weight loss journey" and that "the best person to offer weight loss advice is someone who has done it and kept it off" like me!

And, if you do want to supplement your diet with effective products and provide nutritional value - not ridiculous promises - you can without the hype! Visit to learn more!

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