Saturday, January 27, 2007

Obesity-Related Costs out of Control!

If you need to see the extreme measures that are being taken because of the overweight and obesity problems in the U.S. take a look at what West Virginia is doing to assist its citizens in taken control of their health. When you have such high health care costs related to the problems brought on by the extra pounds, and those costs are into the hundreds of millions, you've got to do something to help.

We need to consider that the choices available to us today are so numerous and unhealthy, that the real culprit lies in the responsibility that we collectively have to provide healthy foods and beverages in our society. Granted that healthy choices must be made to encourage those actions, after all this is a free enterprise economy, but we have to realize that the predominance of so many unhealthy consumables.

For this reason, we not only need a healthy diet plan, but we need motivation. Having dreams and goals that are beyond where you are today that inspire you, is the key to staying on track and living a healthy life. Too many unhealthy choices can and eventually will lead to an unhealthy life if you're not surrounded by health - daily exercise, healthy eating, goals, friends who enjoy the same, encouraging family to make healthy choices. All are important in the cause.... for yourself and others.

Carpe Diet!

weight loss plan, diet plan, fruit and vegetable nutrients

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