Thursday, January 25, 2007

The 31-Year Diet

Jorge Cruise gave us the 3-hour diet and today the UK uncovered the 31-year diet!

British women will spend 31 years of their life on a diet and 921 hours thinking about nothing but food!

Research released today reveals that women can expect to spend 31 years of their life on a diet,
but the majority will end up thinking about food literally round the clock. The average dieter will spend 921 hours, or 38.3 days, thinking about nothing but food.

One in 10 British women are currently trying to lose weight and more than a fifth, 21%, consider themselves permanent dieters, the report found.

The in-depth study of the UK's attitude and approach to dieting also found the average dieter spends £150 on special diet foods.

And it revealed this is the week most of those who began diets in the New Year- 75% will give up their resolutions to shed the extra pounds.

The average diet apparently lasts 5.48 weeks but the post-Christmas battle to lose weight sees this fall to three weeks, the report said.

It found half of slimmers, 50%, give up because of lack of willpower while a quarter, 25%, claim they gave up because their diet was making them depressed or moody.

Despite the fall-off rate, the report did throw up some positive aspects to the UK's attitude to dieting and having a healthy lifestyle.

More than a third, 34%, of British women polled cited voluptuous singer and TV presenter Charlotte Church as having the perfect figure with a size 12 the aspirational size for the majority.


British men, meanwhile, were keen on the sporting physique, with 40% citing footballer David Beckham's body as their ideal goal.

Women were motivated to diet largely for themselves, 75% rather than for their partners 18% with 70% giving health as their reason for trying to get thin.

Some admitted they had contemplated resorting to drastic measures to lose weight with 22% saying they had thought about using slimming pills, 12% saying they had considered a liquid diet and 9% saying they had considered surgery.

But the majority, 85%, were also looking at eating smaller portions and 64% thinking about eating low fat foods, while 44% were considering joining a gym.

Chocolate was found to be the food craved by most dieters 23%, closely followed by cheese, which was craved by 20%.


Wow! It never ceases to amaze me what researchers study and how much money the spend conducting such research. They should have just picked up the phone and called me, I could have saved them a lot of time and money!

On my site, we asked women "how many years have you been dieting?" and "at what age did you start your first diet?"--the AVERAGE answers were 20 years and 15 years of age!

What does that information tell us? It should clue us in that diets don't work! If you spend 15 years trying to solve a problem for it only to get worse over time--what you are using (diets) isn't working (weight gain!) What ends up happening most often is that the 15 year old young woman developes a lifestyle of going "ON" and "OFF" of a diet and spends most of her life living unhealthfully between diet attempts!

The solution?

Develop a healthy lifestyle and adhere to it at all times, not just while "on" a diet!

Add to the research conducted in the UK the findings to my survey of 14 million dieters and the evidence is compelling that Vice Busting is the ONLY way to lose weight and KEEP it off for the rest of your life!

Our survey found that 87% of dieters admit to having diet vices, 38% confess to breaking their diets DAILY to consume them, while another 33% break their diets weekly. Therefore 71% of well-intentioned dieters blow it and fall "off" their diets without realizing the results promised them by the diet plan they entrusted.

So, what to do? Admit that you are NOT SouthBeach Diet deficient, Jenny Craig deprived, living your Worst Life Diet nor have serious internal lack of Medifast shakes but rather you have a few diet vices; or unhealthy foods that LOVE, and that you eat too often in too much quantity to ever realistically lose weight regardless of what "diet" you are going through the motions of following.

If you are like the 71% of dieters who continually fall "OFF" of your diet because you consume your vices on a regular basis, maybe, just maybe the problem is with those very vices and they are what need busting!

Dr. David L. Katz, MD (very cool guy, Yale U Professor of Medicine, ABC News, Oprah's medical expert and best selling author The Way to Eat) agrees!--"These vices that Julia describes have often been a cause, or even the cause of failed attempts at losing weight among my patients."

Makes sense doesn't it?

See for yourself! Bust your vices before they bust YOU! And, think of it this way, maybe it will free up your thinking time for something better than FOOD!

Carpe Diet!

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