Sunday, January 07, 2007

Antioxidant Power in Blackberries

Blackberries' health properties touted...

When we start to wake up to the fact that foods with high antioxidant properties are the ones that will save us from sickness and disease, only then will we reduce our health care costs, live a higher quality of life, and enjoy more of life than ever before.

Unfortunately, the marketplace continues to offer us unhealthy foods that are filled with chemicals, very addictive and fatty, and offer litle in the way of nutrition. Just an extra two pieces of fruit and/or vegetables a day would make a big difference in the quality of health for most people.

If you have the ability to add some foods with high antioxidant properties - like blackberries - or the nutrients from such foods, then do so. You will be supporting your health in more ways than you will be able to see or feel.

Carpe Diet!

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