Sunday, January 21, 2007

How to stay on track with Diet Resolutions

Staying on track with your resolutions!

Picture this scenario--it's January 1 and you are 100% determined to do it' this time' and you vow to change everything, do everything right and really stick to your diet.

But something happens by around January 9th. The boss brings donuts to work, it's a coworkers birthday and someone brought cake, everyone goes out to lunch, you pass the vending machine and it is literally calling your name, the kids begged for McDonald' know; LIFE happened and YOU "fell off your diet".

Normally whe this scenario happens, many of us throw in the towel and think "this diet" just isn't going to work for me and we give up on this attempt and vow to start something new "tomorrow", or we figure "I blew it for today, so I might as well eat everything I want and get 'back on track' tomorrow!" And we all know from experience that "tomorrow" may be days, weeks or months in actually arriving!

Either way, you lose. Well not weight which is what you wanted to lose, but what you really lose is another chip of self-esteem, another little bit of your spark goes out.

So, here's a new way of looking at it. It's just ONE slip up, one stumble, but it isn't the worst thing in the world. Just STOP, get yourself out of the moment, toss away what is left of the "vice" and brush yourself off and move on.

Make it a game with yourself that you will make the amount of time between when stumble again longer than when you started on your journey and this stumble happened.

What? Stumble again? You plan on being "Perfect" from now on? Hate to break it to you, but it won't happen, not for you, not for anyone! LIFE Happens!

The key to success is what you DO after LIFE hits the diet fan and you stumble!

And the second rule of this game with yourself is to make the amount of time that it takes to get back on track shorter and shorter. In the past when you 'fell of your diet' it might have taken days, weeks or months to muster the determination to try again, shorten that time each time you stumble!

In theory, you could get so good at this 'game' that you may stumble once every few months, get immediately back on track so in reality, you will just have a bad food day once in a great while, and my friend is well within the relm of healthy living!

...and even better than that, you will lose weight!
Fail to plan; plan to fail. and plan on what to do when you fail, and you won't fail!
How's that for confusing! LOL

Carpe Diet!

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