Saturday, January 27, 2007

Research from 35,000 Women

A diet that includes fruits and vegetables has shown to be extremely helpful in the prevention of disease. A study with 35,000 pre-menopausal women in the UK showed that a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables and whole wheat foods are beneficial in preventing breast cancer. (STORY).

Healthy sources of calcium include low fat dairy products and supplements are also effective. The new research says calcium only works when combined with a low calorie diet. The study also found calcium can reduce bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol.

Comments: Do you really need to be told that foods from the ground, grown with nutrients from the Earth, and light from the Sun, and water... are good for you? Is it that these prevent cancer or that the foods that have permeated our supermarkets and fast-food restaurants are so bad that disease has increased, thereby making what should be a "normal" diet seem in some way preventative. Said another way, we shouldn't be eating probably 75% or more of the foods and beverages we currently consume because they are causing higher rates of sickness and disease! If not the actual cause, then at the very least these foods and beverages are preventing us from getting the nutrients we DO NEED.

So choose a diet full of fruits, vegetables, grains, and plenty of water. Leave soft drinks and other high-sugar drinks, fast food and other processed foods behind. You will feel great, you will have more energy, you will prevent sickness and disease.... or at the very least, you will prolong and improve the quality of life - adding life to your years and years to your life!

Carpe Diet!

weight loss plan, diet plan, Dr Oz Weight Loss, fruit and vegetable nutrients

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