Sunday, January 21, 2007

Fat Rat? Their Obesity is tied to their Diet!

Fat rats

OK, it's getting crazy in the world. Supersized fat RATS are popping up in cities across the world. And the million dollar question is WHY? What's happening to these rats?

Are their little rat treadmills not working?

Are their little rat health-food stores closing?

Are their little rat water bottles not available?

Or is it just maybe the supersized humans who dwell in their hood and the remains of their food and drinks that the rats are finding and eating that is to blame?

Yes, that's right! Humans putting the remains of their McDonald's, their Coca-Cola's, their ice cream cones, their candy bars into trash bins and then the rats eat all of it that is to blame!

Give a rat a head of lettuce, some fruit, some whole grains and lean proteins and water to drink, you will still have a rat on your hands, but a healthy-weight one! Give it JUNK; you get a FAT rat on your hands!

Maybe we need to fund a few million to study this fat rat problem? Nah. Let's save the money on this one, I think common sense should be able to solve this one.


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